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Kanji: Radical: (はねぼう) : ; ; previously
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 271 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1983
Japanese Reading English
よぼうちゅうしゃ(n) immunization/shots/inoculation/preventive injection/
よそうりえきestimated profits/
よていび scheduled date/expected date/
予餞よせんかい(n) farewell party for graduates (held prior to graduation)/
よていのうぜいprepayment of income taxes/
よげん(n) prediction/promise/prognostication/(P)/
よびきん (n) reserve fund/emergency fund/
よじ(n,vs) showing signs of/foreshadow/
よびこう (n) prep school (ronin year)/(P)/
よちむ foresight dream/
よびせんきょpreliminary election/a primary (election)/
よびしかんがっこうreserve officers' cadet school/
よびそうちreserve equipment/backup unit/spare/
よご(n) prognosis/aftereffects/recuperation/convalescence/
よやくしゅっぱんpublication after securing subscriptions/
よぼうほう precautionary measures/
よほう(n,vs) forecast/prediction/(P)/
よびこうしょうpreliminary negotiations/
予予かねがね(adv) often/lately/already/
えるよていをかえる (exp) to change the schedule/
よびえき (n) service in the first reserve/
よそうだか estimate/
よていどおり as planned/
よぼういがくpreventive medicine/prophylactic/
調よびちょうさ(n) preliminary investigation/
簿よやくめいぼsubscription list/
よやくしゃ subscriber/
よびしつ spare room/
よびいん reserve men/
よげんしゃ (n) prophet/predictor/prognosticator/
よやくせき (n) reserved seat/
よひょう(vs) prefiguring/foreshadowing/
よしん(n) preliminary tremor/
よせんつうかしゃ (n) qualifier/
よぼうさく precautionary measures/
からよていからはずす to exclude from the schedule/
よぼう(n,vs) prevention/precaution/protection against/(P)/
よび(n) preparation/preliminaries/reserve/spare/(P)/
よびか preparatory course/
よていせつ (n) predestination/
よそうどおり as expected/
よか(n) probable (predetermined) price/expected price/
よれい(n) first bell/
よさんあん (n) draft budget/
よそうしゅうかくだか crop estimate/
よさつ(n,vs) (rare) guessing beforehand/conjecture in advance/
よほうおん telephone time-warning sound/
よやくきん a deposit/
よだん(n,vs) guessing/prediction/conclusion/(P)/
予めあらかじめようい (vs) advance preparation/