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Kanji: Radical: (はねぼう) : ジ、ズ; こと; thing (abstract)
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 272 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3567
Japanese Reading English
事々ことごと(n) everything/
事を こすことをおこす(exp) to cause trouble (a disturbance)/
じけんきしゃpolice reporter/
りることたりる(v1) to suffice/to serve the purpose/to be satisfied/
じだいしゅぎworship of the powerful/
じむきょくちょうhead of the secretariat/
じそう(n) aspect/phase/phenomenon/
こと(n) thing/matter/fact/circumstances/business/reason/experience/(P)/
じじつをおおう (exp) to disguise a fact/
じだい(n) subserviency to the stronger/
事とこととしだいで if things permit/under certain circumstances/
ことよす(v5) to find an excuse/
事事ことごと(n) everything/
じむか (n) man of affairs/
じじつじょう (n) as a matter of fact/
じむききbusiness machine(ry)/
かにことこまかにminutely/in detail/
じぎょうだん (n) corporation/agency/
じむとりあつかい(n) acting director/
じたい(n) situation/present state of affairs/circumstances/
じむじかん(n) permanent vice-president/undersecretary/
じむをとる (exp) to do (attend to) business/
じぜんけんしゅうadvance training/prior training/
じこ(n) accident/incident/trouble/circumstances/reasons/(P)/
調べるじじつをしらべる (exp) to investigate the facts/
じせき(n) evidence/trace/vestige/
事をことをはこぶ(exp) to go ahead/to proceed/to carry on/
事がりることがたりる(exp) to be sufficient/to answer the purpose/
じむちょうかんchief secretary/
じぎょうぶ division (of company)/operations department/
じむしつ (n) office/(P)/
じり(n) reason/facts/propriety/sense/
じけんひょう docket/
ことがら(n) matter/thing/affair/circumstance/(P)/
じむてき (adj-na) businesslike/practical/
じじつむこん(n) groundless/entirely contrary to fact/
じむかん (n) administrative official/secretary/commissioner/
ことごとに(adv) in everything/
じだいしそうadmiration of the powerful/
じむ(n) business/office work/(P)/
ことかく(v5k) to lack/
じむちょう (n) manager/purser/
ことなしnothing/nothing to be done/safe/easy/
じこうさくいんsubject index/(P)/
じこう(n) matter/item/facts/(P)/
じむづくえ clerical desk/(P)/
じむかい business meeting/