五体 | ごたい | (n) the whole body/limbs/(P)/ |
五日 | いつか | (n) five days/the fifth day (of the
month)/(P)/ |
五旬節 | ごじゅんせつ
| pentecost/ |
五分刈り | ごぶがり
| (n) close haircut/ |
五里霧中 | ごりむちゅう | (n) be totally at a loss/lose one's bearings/be in a
maze/in a fog/all at sea/up in the air/mystified/bewildered/(P)/ |
五線紙 | ごせんし
| (n) music paper/ |
五月幟 | さつきのぼり | (n) May Boy's Festival paper-carp
streamers/ |
五輪聖火 | ごりんせいか | Olympic Torch/ |
分 | ごぶ | (n-adv,n) half/50%/tie/evenness/(P)/ |
五畿内 | ごきない | (n) the Five Home Provinces/ |
五倍 | ごばい | five times/ |
| ごりょうほ | 5-sided
fort/Pentagon/ |
五人囃子 | ごにんばやし
| (n) five court-musician dolls at the Girl's
Festival (in March)/ |
五穀 | ごこく | (n) the 5 grains (wheat, rice, beans, millet (awa and
kibi))/(P)/ |
五輪のマーク | ごりんのマーク | the five-ring Olympic emblem/ |
五月人形 | ごがつにんぎょう | (n) Boys' May Festival dolls/ |
五斗米 | ごとべい
| (n) small salary/ |
五倍子 | ごばいし
| (n) gallnut (gikun)/ |
五十歩百歩 | ごじゅっぽひゃっぽ
| little difference between the two; It's six of
one and a half dozen of the other. |
五大洲 | ごだいしゅう | (n) the Five Continents/ |
五重奏 | ごじゅうそう
| (n) instrumental quintet/ |
五角形 | ごかくけい
| (n) pentagon/ |
五倫 | ごりん | (n) the five Confucian filial-piety
relationships/ |
五人組 | ごにんぐみ
| (n) five-family unit/five-man
group/ |
五経 | ごきょう | (n) the Five Chinese Classics/ |
五輪旗 | ごりんき
| (n) Olympic Flag/ |
五指 | ごし | (n) the five fingers/ |
五臓 | ごぞう | (n) the five viscera (liver, lungs, heart, kidney and
spleen)/ |
五月の節句 | ごがつのせっく | Boy's Festival/ |
倫の道 | ごりんのみち
| the five Confucian filial-piety
relationships/ |
五大州 | ごだいしゅう
| (n) the Five Continents/(P)/ |
五十音図 | ごじゅうおんず | the Japanese syllabary table/ |
五段 | ごだん | Japanese verb type/fifth rank (in martial arts,
etc)/ |
五輪 | ごりん | (n) the Olympics/(P)/ |
五月 | ごがつ | (n-adv) May/ |
五月雨 | さつきあめ
| (n) early summer rain/ |
五輪会議 | ごりんかいぎ | olympic congress/ |
五徳 | ごとく | (n) the five virtues/tripod/kettle stand/ |
五書 | ごしょ | Pentateuch/ |
五輪の塔 | ごりんのとう
| five-story pagoda/ |
五角形 | ごかっけい
| (n) pentagon/ |
五重塔 | ごじゅうのとう
| (n) 5-storied pagoda/ |
五十 | ごじゅう | (n) fifty/ |
五行 | ごぎょう | (n) the five elements (wood, fire, water, earth and
metal)/ |
五重 | いつえ | (n) five-storied/quintuplicate/fivefold/ |
五月幟 | ごがつのぼり | (n) May Boy's Festival paper-carp streamers/ |
五重 | ごじゅう | (n) five-storied/quintuplicate/fivefold/ |
五目鮨 | ごもくずし | (n) rice mixed with vegetables and
delicacies/ |
五十歩百歩 | ごじゅっぽひゃっぽ
| (exp,n) six of one and a half dozen of the
other/scant difference/ |
五月雨 | さみだれ
| (n) early summer rain/ |