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Kanji: Radical: () : セイ、ショウ; ; well
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 165 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3454
Japanese Reading English
いどづな well rope/
いどほり (n) well digging/well digger/
いづつ(n) well crib/
せいてい(n) well bottom/narrow place/
いどがわ (n) well curb/
いづなwell rope/
いどみず (n) well water/
いもり(n) (uk) newt/
せいもく(n) the nine principal points in a game of go/
いどばたかいぎ content-free chat/idle gossip/
いどぐるま (n) well pulley/
いどやかたwell roof/
いどがえ (n) well cleaning/
いのうえInoue (Japanese surname)
せいせん(n) (water) well/(P)/
井のの蛙らずいのなかのかわず たいかいをしらず(exp) parochial/provincial/used to encourage someone to get a wider perspective/
いどばた (n) side of well/
井堰いせき(n) sluice/dam/
いど(n) water well/(P)/
浚えいどさらえ(n) well cleaning/
井桁いげた(n) well lining/well curb/