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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ; ; other
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 361 Index in Halpern dictionary: 35
Japanese Reading English
ためん(n-adv,n-t) the other side/another direction/(on) the other hand/(P)/
たじ(n) other matters/other people's affairs/
他のわされるたのげんにまど わされる(exp) to be led astray by others opinion/
たけん(n) viewing by others/showing others/
たしょう(n) (gram) third person/
たこくもの stranger/person from another place/
たそん(n) another village/
たねんなく eagerly/intently/
たせかい others worlds/
他のたのしきのじゅう another type of gun/
たこくせきの multinational
たけ(n) another family/
たぎょう(n) absence from home/going out/
たさつ(n) a murder/(P)/
たりゅうじあいcontest between different schools (of fencing, etc.)/
他ならぬほかならぬ(exp) nothing but/no other than/
たかくてき objective (symptoms)/
たざん(n) another mountain/another temple/
たい(n) ill will/malice/another intention/secret purpose/ulterior motive/fickleness/double-mindedness/
他にぼすたにるいをおよぼす (exp) to involve others in trouble/
他のたのものthe other thing/the other man's property/
たかい(n,vs) death/the next world/
たしゅつ(n) going out/
たりょう(n) another fief/
たこくじん foreigner/alien/stranger/
たわいない (adj) (uk) silly/foolish/absurd/childish/easy/trifling/guileless/
たにんあつかい treating like a stranger/
たしゅう(n) another sect/
たせい(n) another surname/
たどう(n) transitive verb/
たかくしょう objective symptoms/symptoms observed by the doctor/
たげん(n) telling others/revealing to others/letting out a secret/
よそもの (n) stranger/outsider/
たは(n) the other group/
たげんごの multilingual
たりきほんがん(n) relying upon others for attaining one's own objective/salvation by faith in Amida Buddha/
たあい(n) altruism/
たれいseparate excitation/
たにんのそらにaccidental resemblance/
たぶつ(n) the other thing/the other man's property/
たぶん(n) informing/
たけん(n) another prefecture/
よそ(n) another place/somewhere else/strange parts/
たねん(n-adv,n-t) some other year/some day/
ほか(n-adv,n) other/
たねん(n) thinking about something else/
たほう(adv,n) another side/different direction/(on) the other hand/(P)/
を騙ってたにんのなをか たってunder a false name/
たせん(n) recommendation/(P)/
たしょうのえん (n) karma from a previous existence/