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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : チュウ; なか; intermediary
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 378 Index in Halpern dictionary: 43
Japanese Reading English
なかまはずれ (n) being left out/
なかよし(n) intimacy/chum/
してなこうどをとおして through a go-between/
ちゅうさいにん arbitrator/mediator/
なかだちにん (n) middleman/mediator/go-between/
なかい(n) waitress/
ちゅうしゅん(n) mid-spring/
ちゅうさいさいばん arbitration/
なかまうけ (n) being popular among one's companions/
なこうど(n) go-between/matchmaker/(P)/
ちゅうさいさいていsettlement by arbitration/
なかまぼめ logrolling/mutual admiration/
ちゅうげん(n) samurai's attendant/footman/
ちゅうけい(iK) (radio) relay/hook-up/
なかだち(n) mediation/agency/agent/mediator/middleman/go-between/
ちゅうかく(n) kernel/core/nucleus/
ちゅうとう(n) mid-winter/
なかまねだんtrade price/
ちゅうかいぶつ intermediary/medium/channel/
ちゅうか(n) midsummer/
なこうどぐち (n) matchmaker's story/saying nice things about a person/
なかまわれ (n,vs) split among friends/falling out/internal discord/
えるなかまにくわえる (exp) to include in the circle/
なかねaverage price/
なかまうち (adj-no,n) private/informal/among ones people (group, friends)/
なか(n) relation/relationship/(P)/
ちゅうけい(n) the younger of two elder brothers/
ちゅうほしゃ (n) mediator/intercessor/
なかよく(adv,n,vs) making friends with/getting along well with/on cordial terms/(P)/
貿ちゅうかいぼうえきintermediary trade/trade conducted via an agency/
ちゅうさいさいばんしょ court of arbitration/
ちゅうさいしゃ arbitrator/mediator/
ちゅうさい(n) arbitration/intercession/mediation/(P)/
ちゅうかいしゃ mediator/go-between/middleman/
仲になかにはいる(exp) to act as an intermediary/
なかばたらき(n) maid working for both the living quarter and kitchen/
なかなおり(n,vs) reconciliation/make peace with/(P)/
なかし(n) longshoreman/baggageman/
らってなかまをかたらっ てtogether with one's lot/
なかよし(n) a close friend/
仲がなかがよいbe on good terms/
してなこうどをかいして through a matchmaker/
なかみせどおりshopping street in the precincts of a shrine (temple)/
ちゅうしゅう(n) 15th day of the 8th lunar month/8th lunar month/
ちゅうにん(n) go-between/matchmaker/