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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ; くわだ(てる); plan
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 373 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2021
Japanese Reading English
きぼう(vs) looking forward to/hoping for/
企みたくらみ(n) plan/design/artifice/trick/intrigue/(P)/
企むたくらむ(v5m) (uk) to scheme/to plan/to play a trick/to invent/to conspire/to frame up/(P)/
きぎょうか commercialization/
きぎょうべつくみあい (n) enterprise union/
きぎょうせいびcurtailment of business operations/
きかく(n,vs) planning/project/(P)/
きかくか (n) planning section/
きぎょうしん enterprising spirit/
プランきぎょうぷらんcorporate plan (business)/
きぎょうごうどうa trust/
きぎょうせんりゃくcorporate strategy (business)/
きぎょう(n) enterprise/undertaking/(P)/
きぎょうないきょういく (n) corporate in-service training/
きぎょうねんきんcompany pension/
きぎょうたいしつfinancial content/
企てるくわだてる(v1) to plan/to plot/to propose/to design/to intend/to contemplate/to attempt/to undertake/(P)/
きと(n) plan/project/scheme/(P)/
企てくわだて(n) plan/attempt/undertaking/
きかくせい (n) ability to make plans/
きぎょうない company-internal/
きぎょうか (n) industrialist/entrepreneur/
企劃きかく(n) plan/planning/
ききゅう(n) attempt/
きぎょうしゃ industrialist/
きぎょうひみつcompany or industrial secret/
きぎょうないくみあい (n) enterprise union/
きぎょうかんしんよう (n) inter-business credit/
きかくしつ planning office/
きかくしょ proposal (business)/