伏兵 | ふくへい | (n) ambush/troops in ambush/(P)/ |
伏す | ふす | (v5s) to bend down/to bow down/to prostrate
oneself/(P)/ |
伏せ勢 | ふせぜい | (n) ambush/ |
伏し拝む | ふしおがむ | (v5m) to kneel and worship/ |
伏射濠 | ふくしゃごう | sheltered trench/ |
伏せ屋 | ふせや | (n) humble cottage/hut/ |
伏奏 | ふくそう | report to the throne/ |
伏縫 | ふせぬい | (n) hemming/ |
| ふく | (n,vs)
stoop/bend down/crouch/lie down/prostrate oneself/fall prostrate/hide/yield
to/submit to/ |
伏せ縫い | ふせぬい | (n) hemming/ |
伏せ字 | ふせじ | (n) asterisk/blank type (dots, circles,
etc.)/ |
伏勢 | ふせぜい | (n) ambush/ |
伏魔殿 | ふくまでん
| (n) abode of demons/hotbed (of
graft)/pandemonium/ |
伏せ樋 | ふせどい | covered
drain/ |
伏目 | ふしめ | (n) downcast look/ |
伏し目 | ふしめ | (n) downcast look/ |
伏水 | ふくすい | (vs) water gone underground (to emerge as a
spring...)/ |
伏して | ふして | (adv) bowing
down/humbly/respectfully/ |
伏線 | ふくせん | (n) preparation/foreshadowing/underplot (in a
novel)/precautionary measures/(P)/ |
| ふせかご | coop/hen
coop/ |
伏せる | ふせる | (v1) to lay
something upside down/to turn something over/to cover/to lay (pipes)/to lay (an
ambush)/to hide/(P)/ |
伏流水 | ふくりゅうすい
| (n) underground water/ |
伏勢 | ふくぜい | (n) ambush/ |
伏射 | ふくしゃ | (n,vs) shooting lying prone/ |
伏し倒れる | ふしたおれる | (v1) to fall down/ |
伏樋 | ふせどい | covered drain/ |
字 | ふせじ | (n) asterisk/blank type (dots, circles,
etc.)/ |
伏流 | ふくりゅう | (n) subterranean stream/ |
伏屋 | ふせや | (n) humble cottage/hut/ |
伏罪 | ふくざい | pleading guilty/ |
在 | ふくざい | (n,vs) lying concealed/being hidden/ |