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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ; くらい、ぐらい; rank
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 401 Index in Halpern dictionary: 61
Japanese Reading English
位をくらいをくだす(exp) to degrade/to lower in rank/
くらいまけ(n) being unworthy of one's rank/being outranked/
いかいくんとうcourt rank and honors/
けるいちずける (v1) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate/
くらいだおれ(n) inability to live up to one's rank/out of one's league/
いかんancient headgear showing rank/
いち(n,vs) place/situation/position/location/(P)/
くらいどる(v5) to scale/
揃えいちそろえ(vs) justification/
位牌いはいどう(n) mortuary chapel/
けるいちづける (v1) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate/
いそうさ (n) phase contrast/
いかい(n) court rank/
いちづけ (n) placement/fixed position/
いち(n,vs) place/situation/position/location/
えるいちをかえる (exp) to change the position of/
いかん(n) rank and official position/
くらいづけ(n) ranking/unit/
くらい(n-adv,n,suf,vs) grade/rank/court order/dignity/nobility/situation/throne/crown/occupying a position/about/almost/as/rather/at least/enough to/(P)/
くらいどり(n,vs) grade/class/quality/unit/digit/positioning of decimal point/(P)/
いくんrank and order of merit/
いちつけ (n) placement/fixed position/
いそうきかがく (adj-na) topology/topological/
位がくらいがのぼる(exp) to rise in rank/
いそうそくど(n) phase velocity/
くらいまけ(n) being unworthy of one's rank/being outranked/
いそう(n) phase (in science)/
位牌いはい(n) Buddhist mortuary tablet/
いじorder of rank/order of seating/
位するくらいする(vs-s) to rank/to be ranked/to be located/
位のくらいのたかいひと person of high rank/
いき(n) court rank diploma/
いそうくうかんphase space (physics)/
いきついそうconferment of posthumous rank/
わせいちあわせ (vs) alignment/justification/
づけるいちづける(v1) to place (in relation to the whole)/to rank/to position/to locate/