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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ジュウ; す(む)、す(まう); live
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 404 Index in Halpern dictionary: 64
Japanese Reading English
住みすみつく(v5k) to settle down/
住まうすまう(v5u) to live/to reside/to inhabit/(P)/
住まいすまいhome, house, residence
じゅうか(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/
じゅうたくちたいhousing belt development/
すまい(n) dwelling/house/residence/address/(P)/
じゅうみんぜい (n) municipal tax/
じゅうたく(n) resident/housing/(P)/
じゅうきょあと (n) dwelling (habitation) site/site of a (prehistoric) settlement/
じゅうせんhousing-loan corporation/
住みすみにくいinconvenient (residence)/unpleasant (surroundings)/
住みかすみか(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/
住むすむ(v5m) to abide/to reside/to live in/to inhabit/to dwell/(P)/
じゅうきょてあてrent allowance/
住み れるすみなれる(v1) to get used to living in/
住みすみか(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/
すみともSumitomo (company)/
住みすみこみ(adj-no,n) live-in/
住みすみごこちのよいcomfortable to live in/
じゅうたくきんゆうこうこ(n) Housing Loan Corporation/
じゅう(n) dwelling/living/
住みらすすみあらす(v5s) to leave a house in bad shape/
すみともぎんこうSumitomo Bank/
住み すみこむ(v5m) to be a live-in employee/to live in/to live with/
すみか(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/
じゅうたくてあて(n) housing allowance/
じゅうみんひょう (n) citizen (identification) card/
じゅうにん(n) dweller/inhabitant/resident/(P)/
住むすむto live, to inhabit
じゅうたくがい (n) residential area/
じゅうそう(n) chief priest (of a Buddhist temple)/
じゅうしょ(n) address (e.g. of house)/residence/domicile/(P)/
住みえるすみかえる(v1) to change one's residence/
わりじゅうしょろくがわりsubstitute for an address book/
じゅうせいかつ manner of housing/
じゅうしょく(n) chief priest (of a Buddhist temple)/
じゅうみんうんどうneighborhood (protest) movement/
じゅうきょ(n) dwelling/house/residence/address/(P)/
じゅうみんとうろくresident registration/
住みすみか(n) dwelling/house/residence/den/
じゅうしょろく (n) address book/
じゅうたくなん (n) housing shortage/
住するじゅうする(vs) to live/to reside/to inhabit/
じゅうみん(n) citizens/inhabitants/residents/population/(P)/
住みすみごこち (n) comfort (in living place)/(P)/
じゅうたくち (n) housing district/residential district/(P)/
住みすみわけ(n) habitat isolation (biology)/
じゅうたくちくresidential district/