余切 | よせつ | cotangent (in trigonometry)/ |
余念 | よねん | (n) another idea/ |
余徳 | よとく | (n) influence of great virtue/influence of
ancestors/ |
余財 | よざい | (n) spare cash/available funds/remaining
fortune/ |
余所者 | よそもの
| (n) stranger/ |
余世 | よせい | (n) one's remaining years/ |
余芳 | よほう | lingering fragrance/continuing fame (after
death)/ |
余賊 | よぞく | the remaining bandits/ |
余党 | よとう | (n) remnants of a party or a gang/ |
余香 | よこう | (n) lingering odor/ |
余計な世話を焼く | よけいなせわをやく
| (exp) to poke one's nose (in) where one is not
wanted/ |
余計なお世話 | よけいなおせわ | it's none of your business/it's not your
concern/ |
余所乍ら | よそながら | (adv) while at a distance/indirectly/casually/ |
余裕綽綽たる | よゆうしゃくしゃくたる | (adj-t) (uk) composed/calm and broadminded/ |
余命 | よめい | (n) remainder of one's life/one's remaining
years/(P)/ |
余念無く | よねんなく
| (adv) earnestly/intently/ |
余り | あんまり | (adj-na,adv,n,n-suf) (uk) not very (this form only used
as adverb)/not
ss/other/too much/(P)/ |
余所聞き | よそぎき
| (n) reputation/respectability/ |
余命幾何もない | よめいいくばくもない | (exp) your days are numbered/ |
余得 | よとく | (n) emoluments/additional profits/ |
余病 | よびょう | (n) secondary disease/complications/ |
余儀無く | よぎなく
| unavoidably/necessarily/inevitably/ |
余慶 | よけい | (n) fortunate heredity/blessings/the rewards of
virtue/something bequeathed to posterity/ |
余興 | よきょう | (n) side show/entertainment/ |
余事 | よじ | (n) other things/the rest/leisure tasks/ |
余る | あまる | (v5r) to remain/to be left over/to be in excess/to be
too many/(P)/ |
余り面白くない | あまりおもしろく
ない | not very interesting/ |
余炎 | よえん | (n) burning embers/ |
余臭 | よしゅう | (n) lingering odor/ |
余剰 | よじょう | (n) redundant/surplus/residue/balance/(P)/ |
余水吐 | よすいはき
| spillway/ |
余り物 | あまりもの | (n) remains/leavings/remnant/surplus/ |
余生 | よせい | (n) one's remaining years/ |
余震 | よしん | (n) aftershock/ |
| あまり | (adj-na,adv,n,n-suf) (uk) not very (this form only used
as adverb)/not
ss/other/too much/(P)/ |
余人 | よにん | (n) others/other people/ |
余計 | よけい | (adj-na,adv,n) too
much/unnecessary/abundance/surplus/excess/superfluity/(P)/ |
余裕しゃくしゃく | よゆうしゃくしゃく | (adj-na,n) calm and composed/have enough and to
spare/ |
余聞 | よぶん | (n) gossip/rumor/ |
余程 | よっぽど | (adv) very/greatly/much/to a large
extent/quite/ |
余沢 | よたく | (n) blessings/benefits (of modern
civilization)/ |
余烈 | よれつ | (n) ancestor's meritorious deeds/the evil effects of the
lives of our predecessors/ |
余殃 | よおう | (n) trouble brought
on by sins of forebears/ |
余所見 | よそみ
| (n,vs) looking away/looking aside/ |
余し物 | あましもの | (n) something not needed/person who is in the
way/ |
余輩 | よはい | (n) we/ |
余技 | よぎ | (n) avocation/hobby/ |
余意 | よい | (n) implied meaning/ |
余喘 | よぜん | (n) lingering life/feeble existence/brink of
ruin/ |
余計者 | よけいもの
| (n) person whose presence is unwelcome or a
nuisance/a fifth wheel/ |