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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ヘイ; あわ(せる); together
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 425 Index in Halpern dictionary: 83
Japanese Reading English
へいこう(n) parallel/
併せる あわせる(v1) to unite/to put together/(P)/
併呑へいどん(n) annexation/merger/swallowing up/
併せえるあわせかんがえる(v1) to consider together/
へいget together/
へいこうせん parallel railways/
併せあわせもつ(v5t) to own (something) as well/
へいち(n) juxtaposition/placing side by side/
へいどく(n) secondary reading/
へいそん(n) coexistence/
へいはつ(n,vs) concurrence/coincidence/complication (in illness)/(P)/
へいごう(n) merge/join into one/annexation/absorption/(P)/
へいしん(n,vs) advancing together/
併せいるあわせもちいる(v1) to use jointly/to use at the same time/
へいはつしょう complications (in illness)/
併さるあわさる(v5r,vi) to get together/to unite/
へいゆう(n,vs) owning together/combination/
ぴんいんPinYin (Ch romanization system) (incorr. 1st kanji!)/
へいき(vs) occurring simultaneously/
へいござい concurrent offenses/
併もしかも(conj) (uk) moreover/furthermore/nevertheless/and yet/
へいしょう(n,vs) classifying together/
へいぞん(n) coexistence/
併 せてあわせて(adv,conj) collectively/altogether/in addition/besides/at the same time/
へいさつ(n) double play (baseball)/
併ししかし(conj) (uk) however/but/(P)/
へいせつ(n) establishment/link/
併し乍らしかしながら(adv,conj) (uk) however/(P)/
へいよう(n,vs) using together (jointly)/used at the same time/(P)/
へいき(n,vs) writing side by side/(P)/