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Kanji: 使 Radical: (ひと) : ; つか(う)、つか(い); use
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 432 Index in Halpern dictionary: 90
Japanese Reading English
使いつかいて(n) user/consumer/employer/prodigal/spendthrift/(fencing) master/
使いつかいばしり(n) running errands/
使しとしょかんthe Epistles (of the New Testament)/
使いつかいどころ(n) use/
使う つかうuse
使いれるつかいなれる(v1) to get accustomed to using/
使しせつだん mission/delegation/
使いつかいでがある (exp) to bear long use/
使みのしようずみのきって used stamps/
使いつかいかた(n) way to use something/treatment/management (of help)/(P)/
使いつかいだて(n) causing you trouble/
使いつかいはしり(n) running errands/
使えるつかえる(v1) to be useful/to be serviceable/
使わすししゃをつかわす (v5) to dispatch a messenger/
使しようちゅう Occupied
使いけるつかいわける(v1) to use properly/
使いらすつかいならす(v5s) to accustom oneself to using/to train/to break in (horses)/
使いつかいこむ(v5m) to embezzle/to misappropriate/to peculate/to accustom oneself to using/to use for a long time/
使わすつかわす(v5s) to send/to dispatch/(P)/
使しとしんじょうApostle's Creed/
使 むしむold causative verbal ending/
使いつかいりょう(n) use/
使しようしゃ (n) user/consumer/
使いにつかいにやる(exp) to send a person on an errand/
使いつかいのこり(n) remnant/remainder/odds and ends/leavings/
使しとぎょうでんActs of the Apostles/
使いつかいさき(n) the place where one is sent on an errand/
使しめいしゃ messenger/
使いかってつかいかってease of use/user-friendliness/
使 しようほうほうusage rules/
使いたすつかいはたす(v5s) to use up/to squander/
使しよう(n,vs) use/application/employment/utilization/(P)/
使しと(n) purpose for which money is spent/the way money is spent/
使しようにん (n) employee/servant/(P)/
使いつかいふるす(v5s) to wear out (something)/
使いやすいつかいやすい(uk) easy to use/
使うつかう(v5u) to use/to handle/to manipulate/to employ/to need/to want/to spend/to consume/to speak (English)/to practise (fencing)/to take (one's lunch)/to circulate (bad money)/(P)/
使びるしめいをおびる (exp) to be charged with a mission/
使しようけん use/right to use/
使いつかいこみ(n) embezzlement/
使い頃つかいごろ(n) handy/
使いくすつかいつくす(v5s) to use up/to squander/
使しとけいしょうapostolic succession/
使しえき(n,vs) employing/using/setting to work/enslavement/(P)/
使しせつ(n) envoy/embassy/mission/delegate/(P)/
使しと(n) apostle/disciple/(P)/
使しとたち the Apostles/