例日 | れいじつ | (n-adv,n-t) week day/ordinary day/appointed
day/ |
例外的 | れいがいてき
| exceptional/ |
例話 | れいわ | (n) illustration/ |
例年祭 | れいねんさい
| annual festival/ |
例年 | れいねん | (n-adv,n-t) average (normal, ordinary) year/every
year/annually/(P)/ |
例会 | れいかい | (n) regular meeting/ |
例に無く | れいになく | contrary to one's habit/unusually/ |
例の件 | れいのけん | the matter you have been talking about/ |
例外 | れいがい | (adj-no,n) exception/(P)/ |
例える | たとえる | (v1) to compare/to liken/to speak figuratively/to
illustrate/to use a simile/(P)/ |
例数 | れいすう | number of cases/ |
式 | れいしき | (n) regular ceremony/established form/ |
例文 | れいぶん | (n) model sentence/(P)/ |
例題 | れいだい | (n) example/exercise (for the reader)/(P)/ |
例証 | れいしょう | (n) exemplification/illustration/example/ |
例示 | れいじ | (n) exemplification/ |
例解 | れいかい | (n) illustration/example/ |
例 | れい | (n)
)/ |
例を引く | れいをひく | (exp) to cite an example/ |
例外処理 | れいがいしょり | exception handling/ |
例刻 | れいこく | (n-t) the regular time/ |
例言 | れいげん | (n) preface/foreword/ |
例を挙げる | れいをあげる | (exp) to cite an example/ |
例規 | れいき | (n) established rule/ |
例えば | たとえば | (adv) for example/e.g./(P)/ |
例月 | れいげつ | (n-t) every month/ |
例 | ためし | (n)
instance/example/case/precedent/experience/custom/usage/parallel/illustration/ |
例によって | れいに
よって | as usual/as is one's habit/ |
例祭 | れいさい | (n) regular festival/annual festival/ |
例え | たとえ | (adv,n) example/even
if/if/though/although/(P)/ |
例時 | れいじ | (n) the usual time/ |
例外無く | れいがいなく
| without exception/ |