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Kanji: 便 Radical: (ひと) : ベン、ビン; たよ(り); convenience; (a bus/train)service, a flight; feces
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 450 Index in Halpern dictionary: 95
Japanese Reading English
便べんいたい (n) plain-clothes soldiers/mufti corps/
便べんい(n) convenient clothes/ordinary clothes/
便べんり(adj-na,n) convenient/handy/useful/(P)/
便びんじょうしゃ hitchhiker/one who catches a ride (with a friend)/
便びん(n,n-suf) mail/post/flight (e.g. airline flight)/service/opportunity/chance/letter/(P)/
便べんじょ(n) toilet/lavatory/rest room/latrine/comfort station/(P)/
便ずるべんずる(v5z) will do/to answer the purpose/to make convenient/
便 びんじょうしゅぎしゃ opportunist/
便べんい(n) call of nature/bowel-movement/
便がいいべんがいいbe convenient [to]
便べんぎをはかる (exp) to suit the convenience of/to accommodate/
便べんぎ(adj-na,n) convenience/accommodation/advantage/expedience/(P)/
便佞べんねい(adj-na,n) flattery/adulation/
便べんりや (n) expressman/utility man/
便べんかんsewer pipe/
便をべんをはかる(exp) to provide facilities/to administer to the convenience of/
便々たるべんべんたる(adj-t) protuberant/paunchy/
便便たる べんべんたる(adj-t) protuberant/paunchy/
便のびんのありしだいon the first opportunity/
便殿べんでん(n) emperor's temporary place of sojourn/
便殿びんでん(n) emperor's temporary place of sojourn/
便びんじょう(n,vs) taking advantage of a ride or an opportunity/taking a ship/(P)/
便びんらん(n) handbook/manual/compendium/
便りたより(n) news/tidings/information/correspondence/letter/(P)/
便べんぎじょう (adv) for convenience/as a matter of convenience/(P)/
便べんつう(n) bowel movement/
便るたよる(v5r) to rely on/to have recourse to/to depend on/
便じるべ んじる(v1) will do/to answer the purpose/to make convenient/
便べんき(n) bedpan/chamber pot/urinal/
便べんざ(n) toilet seat/
便 べんぽう(n) handy method/shortcut/expedient/
便りたよりnews, a letter
便べん(adj-na,n) convenience/facility/excreta/stools/evacuation/(P)/
便びんせん(n) available steamer/
便壺べんつぼnight-soil vault/
便べんぷく(n) civilian clothes/
便箋びんせん(n) writing paper/stationery/(P)/
便べんりちょう (convenience) guide/
便べんえき(n) convenience/benefit/profit/
便べんらん(n) handbook/manual/compendium/
便べんぴ(n) constipation/(P)/
便侫 べんねい(adj-na,n) flattery/adulation/