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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : シン; ; believe
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 454 Index in Halpern dictionary: 100
Japanese Reading English
しんようきょうどうくみあいcooperative credit association/
信憑しんぴょうせい(n) authenticity/credibility/
しんぷく(n,vs) being convinced/
しんげんぶくろ (n) cloth bag/
しんこうせいかつlife of faith/religious life/
しんきん(n) credit union (guild)/
あほうどり (n) albatross/
しんこうかじょうarticles of faith/
しんたくしきんtrust fund/
しんじょう(n) creed/belief/article of faith/(P)/
しんあい(adj-na,n,vs) love and believe in/intimacy/
しんじんか pious man/religionist/
しんぱん(n) sales on credit/
まこと(adv,n) truth/faith/fidelity/sincerity/trust/confidence/reliance/devotion/(P)/
しんぷく(n,vs) being convinced/
しんたく(n,vs) trust/entrusting/(P)/
しんにん(n,vs) trust/confidence/credence/(P)/
しんたくがいしゃtrust company/
しんこうしゃ believer/devotee/
信じるにしんじるにいたる(exp) to come to believe/
しんねん(n) belief/faith/conviction/(P)/
しんたくぎょう trust business/
しんごうき signal flag/
しんこうぶかい devout/
しんごうき (n) signal/semaphore/
しんかん(n) fuse/
がガタちだしんようがガタおち だa sudden fall in public estimation (e.g. into the gutter)/
しんごうとう signal tower/
信じますしんじこます(v5) to lead to believe/
しんらいかん trust/
しんこうしん (n) (religious) piety/
しんと(n) layman/believer/adherent/follower/laity/
しんごうしょ (n) signal station/
しんらいかいふくrecovering of trust/winning back of trust/
しんぽう(n,vs) belief/faith/(P)/
しんようくみあい(n) credit association/
調しんようちょうさcredit check/
しんじ(n) title affixed to man's posthumous Buddhist name/
しんこうこくはくprofession of faith/
しんごうでんぱbeam (signal)/
しんようはんばいsales on credit/
しんようとりひきさき charge customer/
しんにんとうちせいどtrusteeship system/
しんとでんどうしゃ lay missionary/
しんこうてき religious/spiritual/
しんぽうしゃ adherent/devotee/believer/
しんしょ(n) letter/personal correspondence/