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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : シュウ、シュ; おさ(める)、おさ(まる); practice
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 491 Index in Halpern dictionary: 123
Japanese Reading English
しゅぎょう(n,vs) pursuit of knowledge/studying/learning/training/ascetic practice/discipline/(P)/
しゅうしょく(n,vs) ornamentation/embellishment/decoration/adornment/polish up (writing)/modification (gram)/(P)/
しゅげんじゃ (n) mountaineering ascetic/
しゅうせいえき (n) whiteout/correcting fluid/
しゅうし(n) compilation of a history/
しゅうぜんこうじょうrepair shop/
しゅうぜんこう repair man/
しゅうしろんぶん(n) master's thesis (in anthropology)/
しゅうちく(n) repair/renovation/restoration/
しゅらじょう (n) fighting scene/scene of carnage (bloodshed)/
しゅうりこうじょう(n) repair shop/
しゅうせい(n,vs) amendment/correction/revision/modification/alteration/retouching/update/(P)/
しゅうせいしほんしゅぎmodified capitalism/
しゅうじぎもんrhetorical question/
しゅうせいあん (n) proposed amendment/
しゅうどうじょ (n) (Catholic) nun/
しゅうどう(n) learning/studying the fine arts/
しゅらば (n) fighting scene/scene of carnage (bloodshed)/
しゅうほう(Buddhist) prayer and austerities/
しゅうせいはん revised version/
しゅうじ(n) figure of speech/rhetorical flourish/
しゅうどういん (n) monastery/convent/cloister/abbey/
しゅういんちょう prelate/prior/abbot/
しゅげんどう (n) Shugendou/Japanese mountain asceticism-shamanism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts/
しゅうてい(n) correction/revision/
しゅうせい(n) adjustment/retouching (in photography)/
しゅうれん(n) culture/training/drill/practice/
しゅぎょうしゃ practitioner of (Buddhist) austerities/
しゅうせいしゃ amender/
しゅうりちゅう being repaired/
しゅうじほう (n) rhetoric/
しゅうせいよさんrevised budget/
しゅうし(n) Masters degree program/(P)/
しゅうろん(n) (abbr) Masters thesis/
しゅうどうに nun/
しゅうどうせいがんvows of religious orders/
しゅうじがく (n) rhetoric/
しゅぞう(n) repairing/
しゅうこう(n) amity/friendship/
しゅうぎょうねんげんlength of the course of study/
しゅぎょう(n,vs) pursuit of knowledge/studying/learning/training/ascetic practice/discipline/(P)/
しゅら(n) fighting/scene of carnage/
しゅうとく(n,vs) learning/acquisition/
しゅうしかていmaster's course/
しゅうふく(n) repair/mending/
しゅうり(n,vs) repairing/mending/(P)/