値増し | ねまし | (n) price hike/mark-up/ |
値上 | ねあげ | (n,vs) price hike/mark-up/ |
値嵩 | ねがさ | (n) high-priced/ |
安 | ねやす | cheapness/ |
値引き | ねびき | (n) price reduction/discount/(P)/ |
値踏み | ねぶみ | (n) appraisal/estimation/evaluation/setting
prices/ |
値 | あたい | (adj-no,n,vs)
value/price/cost/worth/merit/ |
値段を高く付ける | ねだんをたかくつける | (exp) to put a high price on/ |
値幅 | ねはば | (n) price range or fluctuation/ |
値崩れ | ねくずれ | (n) price collapse/ |
値 | ね | (adj-no,n,vs) value/price/cost/worth/merit/ |
値上がり | ねあがり | (n) price advance/increase in value/(P)/ |
値巾 | ねはば | (n) price range or fluctuation/ |
値が張る | ねがはる | (exp) to be expensive/ |
値上げ | ねあげ | (n,vs) price hike/mark-up/(P)/ |
値する | あたいする | (vs-s) to be worth/to deserve/to merit/(P)/ |
値段付け | ねだんづけ
| (vs) pricing at/ |
値切る | ねぎる | (v5r) to drive a bargain/to beat down the price/to
haggle/(P)/ |
値嵩株 | ねがさかぶ | (n) high-priced stocks/blue-chip shares/ |
値積もり | ねづもり | estimation/valuation/ |
値段 | ねだん | (n) price/cost/(P)/ |
値動き | ねうごき | (n) price fluctuation/ |
値打ち | ねうち | (n) value/worth/price/dignity/(P)/ |
値頃 | ねごろ | (adj-na,n) reasonable price/ |
値鞘 | ねざや | (n) margin/spread (in prices)/ |
値下げ | ねさげ | (n) cut in price/(P)/ |
値遇 | ちぐう | (n) being appreciated by one's employer/meeting
(someone)/ |
値下がり | ねさがり | (n) price decline/a fall in price/(P)/ |
値札 | ねふだ | (n) price tag (mark, label)/ |
値段表 | ねだんひょう
| price list/ |