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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : テイ; ; halt
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 507 Index in Halpern dictionary: 139
Japanese Reading English
ていねん(n) age limit/retiring age/
ていはく(n) anchorage/moorings/
ていしゃば (n) depot/railway station/taxi stand/
ていしょく(n) suspension from office/
ていがく(n) suspension from school/(P)/
ていかい(n) adjournment/suspension of a meeting/recess of legislature/
ていしかかくpegged price/
ていりゅうじょ (n) bus or tram stop/(P)/
ていでん(n,vs) failure of electricity/(P)/
ていしゃ(n,vs) stopping (e.g. train)/(P)/
ていはくち (n) anchorage (area)/moorage/roadstead/
退ていねんたいしょくretirement due to age/
ていしせん (n) stop line/
ていでんび no-electricity day/
停めるとめる(v1) to stop/to halt/
ていしゃじょう (n) depot/railway station/taxi stand/
ていしじかんstop time/
ていおん(obs) rest (music)/
ていししんごう(n) stop signal/stoplight/
ていたい(n) stagnation/tie-up/congestion/retention/accumulation/falling into arrears/(P)/
ていせんじょう ferry landing/
ていおんぷ (obs) rest (music)/
ていせん(n) stopping a ship/detention/quarantine/
ていし(n,vs) suspension/interruption/stoppage/ban/standstill/deadlock/stalemate/abeyance/(P)/
ていりゅう(n) stop/halt/
ていたいぜんせんstationary weather front/
ていしゃじかん(n) stoppage time/
停まらずにとまらずにいく(exp) to run past/to run without stopping/
停まるとまる(v5r) to stop/to halt/
ていせん(n) armistice/ceasefire/
停頓ていとん(n) deadlock/standstill/stalemate/set-back/abeyance/