側面 | そくめん | (n) side/flank/sidelight/lateral/(P)/ |
側近 | そっきん | (n) close associate/braintruster/ |
側火山 | そっかざん
| parasite volcano/ |
側面図 | そくめんず
| (n) side view/ |
側 | がわ | (n,suf) side/row/surroundings/part/(watch)
case/(P)/ |
側か | ほのか | (adj-na,n)
faint/indistinct/stupid/few/ |
側の者 | がわのもの | people around one/ |
側溝 | そっこう | (n) gutter/ditch/ |
側壁 | そくへき | (n) side wall/ |
聞 | そくぶん | (n,vs) casually hearing/hearing casually/ |
側 | かわ | (n,suf) side/row/surroundings/part/(watch)
case/(P)/ |
側める | そばめる | (v1) to shove to
one side/to look at out of the corner of one's eyes/ |
側部 | そくぶ | (n) the side/ |
| そばむ | (v5,vi) to
lean to one side/to oppose/to look aside/to regret/ |
側室 | そくしつ | (n) noble's concubine/ |
側仕え | そばづかえ | (n) personal attendant/valet/maid/ |
側杖 | そばづえ | (n) blow received by a bystander/ |
側圧 | そくあつ | (n) lateral pressure/ |
側 | はた | (n) side/edge/third person/ |
側役 | そばやく | (n) personal attendant/ |
側鎖 | そくさ | (n) chemical side chain/ |
側ら | かたわら | (adj-no,n-adv,n-t) beside(s)/while/nearby/ |
側根 | そっこん | (n) lateral root/ |
側背 | そくはい | flank/ |
側辺 | そくへん | (n) corner/ |
側面観 | そくめんかん
| (n) side view/ |
側車 | そくしゃ | (n) side car/ |
| そば | (n)
near/close/beside/vicinity/proximity/besides/while/(P)/ |
側近者 | そっきんしゃ
| close associate/(P)/ |
側女 | そばめ | (n) concubine/ |
泳 | そばえい | side stroke/ |
側射 | そくしゃ | flanking fire/ |
近く | そばちかく | nearby/ |
側線 | そくせん | (n) sidetrack/siding/side line (at a game)/ |
側 | そく | (n) side/ |
側頭葉 | そくとうよう
| (n) temporal lobe/ |