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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ソク; がわ; side
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 509 Index in Halpern dictionary: 137
Japanese Reading English
そくめん(n) side/flank/sidelight/lateral/(P)/
そっきん(n) close associate/braintruster/
そっかざん parasite volcano/
そくめんず (n) side view/
がわ(n,suf) side/row/surroundings/part/(watch) case/(P)/
側かほのか(adj-na,n) faint/indistinct/stupid/few/
側のがわのものpeople around one/
そっこう(n) gutter/ditch/
そくへき(n) side wall/
そくぶん(n,vs) casually hearing/hearing casually/
かわ(n,suf) side/row/surroundings/part/(watch) case/(P)/
側めるそばめる(v1) to shove to one side/to look at out of the corner of one's eyes/
そくぶ(n) the side/
側む そばむ(v5,vi) to lean to one side/to oppose/to look aside/to regret/
そくしつ(n) noble's concubine/
そばづかえ(n) personal attendant/valet/maid/
側杖そばづえ(n) blow received by a bystander/
そくあつ(n) lateral pressure/
はた(n) side/edge/third person/
そばやく(n) personal attendant/
そくさ(n) chemical side chain/
側らかたわら(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) beside(s)/while/nearby/
そっこん(n) lateral root/
そくへん(n) corner/
そくめんかん (n) side view/
そくしゃ(n) side car/
そば(n) near/close/beside/vicinity/proximity/besides/while/(P)/
そっきんしゃ close associate/(P)/
そばめ(n) concubine/
そばえいside stroke/
そくしゃflanking fire/
そくせん(n) sidetrack/siding/side line (at a game)/
そく(n) side/
そくとうよう (n) temporal lobe/