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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ボウ; かたわ(ら); beside
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 520 Index in Halpern dictionary: 147
Japanese Reading English
傍杖そばづえ(n) blow received by a bystander/
ぼうかんてきに as a spectator/
ぼうちょうずいいadmission free/
ぼうちょうむりょうadmission free/
ぼうかんしゃ onlooker/bystander/
傍にわきにおく(exp) to lay aside/
ぼうせん(n) underline/side line (equivalent to underlining in vertically written text)/
ぼうちゅう(n) side notes/gloss/
ぼうしょう(n) supporting evidence/corroboration/(P)/
ぼうじゅ(n,vs) interception/monitoring/tapping/(P)/
ぼうじん(n) bystander/
ぼうてん(n) (1) marks or dots used to emphasize text passage/(2) marks to facilitate reading of kanbun/
ぼうだい(n) subtitle/
傍惚れ おかぼれ(n) unrequited love/secret affections/
はためいわく (adj-na,n) inconvenience to others/
ぼうかん(n,vs) looking on/remaining a spectator/(P)/
はた(n) side/edge/third person/
傍らかたわら(adj-no,n-adv,n-t) beside(s)/while/nearby/(P)/
ぼうちょうりょう admission fee/
ほうばい(n) companion/colleague/fellow student or apprentice/
そば(n) near/close/beside/vicinity/proximity/besides/while/
ぼうし(n,vs) looking from the side/looking aside/
傍の はたのものたち onlookers/bystanders/
わきみ(n,vs) looking from the side/looking aside/
おかみlooking on by an outsider/
ぼうちょうけん admission ticket/
ぼうけい(n) collateral family/subsidiary line/affiliate/(P)/
ぼうはく(n) (theatrical) aside/
ぼうりゅう(n) branch/tributary/
はため(n) looking on by an outsider/
おかめはちもく(n) onlookers' superior (advantaged) grasp of the situation/
傍らにかたわらによる(exp) to step aside/
ぼうちょうにん hearer/auditor/audience/
ぼうけいけつぞく(n) collateral relation by blood/
ぼうじゃくぶじん(adj-na,n) arrogance/audacity/(behaving) outrageously as though there were no one around/insolence/defiance/overbearing/
わき(n) side/besides/while/
おかめ(n) looking on by an outsider/
ぼうちょうせき (n) visitor's gallery/seats for the public/
傍註ぼうちゅうmarginal notes/
ぼうくん(n) marginal notes/
わきやく(n) supporting role (actor)/minor role/
かたみみ(n) things overheard/
ぼうちょう(n,vs) hearing/listening/attendance/auditing/(P)/