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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ; そな(える)、そな(わる); provide
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 519 Index in Halpern dictionary: 146
Japanese Reading English
備につぶさに(adv) in detail/with great care/completely/again and again/
備えそなえつけ(n) equipment/provision/
びこうらん (n) notes/remarks (reference) column/
びぼうろく (n) notebook/memorandum/
備えるそなえる(v1) to furnish/to provide for/to equip/to install/to have ready/to prepare for/to possess/to have/to be endowed with/to be armed with/(P)/
びぼう(n) reminder/
びちくまい reserved rice/
びこう(n) provision for famine/
びひん(n) fixtures/furnishings/equipment/
びんごおもて (n) a quality/tatami covering/
そなえつけ(n) equipment/provision/
備えそなえ(n) preparation/provision/guarding/
びこう(n) note/remarks/N.B./(P)/
びほう(n) armament/
びこうしょく emergency food/
びちく(n) emergency stores/stored/reserved/(P)/
びこうちょちくfamine-relief fund/
備えけるそなえつける(v1) to provide/to furnish/to equip/to install/(P)/
備わるそなわる(v5r) to be furnished with/to be endowed with/to possess/to be among/to be one of/to be possessed of/(P)/