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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : サイ; もよお(す); hold an event
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 533 Index in Halpern dictionary: 157
Japanese Reading English
さいみんじゅつ (n) hypnotism/
さいこく(n) notification/
さいるいじゅう tear-gas gun/
催しもよおしものevent, tourist attraction
さいるい(n) lachrymal/
ガスさいるいガス(n) tear gas/(P)/
さいみん(n) hypnotism/(P)/
さいじじょう (n) event hall/
催すもよおす(v5s) to hold (a meeting)/to give (a dinner)/to feel/to show signs of/to develop symptoms of/to feel (sick)/(P)/
催しもようしもの(n) points of interest/tourist attraction/exhibit/events/amusements/(program of) entertainments/
さいるいだん (n) tear-gas bomb/
さいみんやく (n) sleeping medicine/
催しもよおし(n) event/festivities/function/social gathering/auspices/opening/holding (a meeting)/(P)/
さいみんざい sleeping medicine/
さいそくじょう (n) dun/letter requesting money, etc./
催しもよおしもの(n) points of interest/tourist attraction/exhibit/events/amusements/(program of) entertainments/
もやう(v5u) (arch) to co-operate (in enterprises)/to hold in common/to share/
さいhold (a meeting)/
さいそく(n,vs) request/demand/claim/urge (action)/press for/(P)/