先勝 | せんしょう | (n) lucky day in morning, but not afternoon/scoring the
first point/winning the first game/ |
先立つ | さきだつ | (v5t) to lead/to precede/to die before someone/to go
before/to take precedence/ |
先祖の位牌 | せんぞのいはい
| ancestral tablet/ |
先見者 | せんけんしゃ
| seer/ |
攻 | せんこう | (n) batting first/ |
先行詞 | せんこうし
| antecedents/ |
先立てる | さきだてる | (v1) to have (someone) go ahead/ |
先住民族 | せんじゅうみんぞく | aborigines/ |
先決 | せんけつ | (n) previous decision/(P)/ |
先行き | さきゆき | (n) the future/ |
住者 | せんじゅうしゃ
| former occupant/ |
先込め銃 | さきごめじゅう
| (n) muzzle loader/ |
先鞭 | せんべん | (n) initiative/pioneering/ |
先駆 | せんく | (n) forerunner/pioneer/outrider/pilot
car/herald/precursor/(P)/ |
先見 | せんけん | (n) foresight/anticipation/(P)/ |
先に | さきに | (adv,n) before/earlier
than/ahead/beyond/away/previously/recently/(P)/ |
先知 | せんち | foresight/speedy comprehension/ |
先々 | まま | well, well/ |
先帝 | せんてい | (n) the late emperor/ |
先夫 | せんぷ | (n) former husband/late husband/ |
先人 | せんじん | (n) predecessor/pioneer/ancestor/ |
先頭 | せんとう | (n) head/lead/vanguard/first/(P)/ |
先の祖 | さきのおや | ancestor/ |
先つ祖 | さきつおや | ancestor/ |
先投 | せんとう | starting pitcher/ |
先君 | せんくん | (n) previous ruler/ancestors/ |
先行 | せんこう | (n,vs) preceding/going first/ |
先導者 | せんどうしゃ
| bellwether/vanguard/ |
先取特権 | せんしゅとっけん | prior right/ |
先進兵器 | せんしんへいき | advanced weapon(ry)/ |
先日 | せんじつ | (n-adv,n-t) the other day/a few days
ago/(P)/ |
先鋭化 | せんえいか
| (n) radicalization/become a
radical/ |
先学 | せんがく | (n) academic predecessor/scholars of the past/senior
scholar/ |
先買い | さきがい | (n) buy in advance/ |
先方 | さきかた | the person in front/companion/ |
先取点を挙げる | せんしゅてんをあげる | (exp) to score the first point/ |
先貸し | さきがし | (n) payment in advance/ |
先端支持力 | せんたんしじりょく
| end bearing capacity/ |
先払い | さきばらい | (n) advance payment/payment on
delivery/forerunner/ |
先発 | せんぱつ | (n,vs) forerunner/advance party/going on
ahead/ |
先安 | さきやす | (n) lower future quotations/ |
先山 | さきやま | (n) skilled miner/ |
先決問題 | せんけつもんだい | question to be settled first/ |
先頭打者 | せんとうだしゃ | lead-off man (baseball)/ |
先塔 | せんとう | (n) spire/steeple/pinnacle/ |
先頭伍 | せんとうご | leading file/ |
先発投手 | せんぱつとうしゅ | starting pitcher/ |
先負 | せんまけ | (n) lucky day but not in morning/day on which judgment
and haste are avoided/ |
先進国 | せんしんこく
| (n) advanced (developed) country/advanced
nations/(P)/ |
先端技術 | せんたんぎじゅつ | high-technology/ |