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Kanji: Radical: (にんにょう) : メン; まぬが(れる); dismissal
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 573 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2067
Japanese Reading English
めんかん(n) dismissal/discharge/
めんきょじょう (n) license/certificate/permit/
免ずるめんずる(v5z) to dismiss/to exempt/
めんじょう(n) diploma/licence/(P)/
めんえきふぜんしょう immunodeficiency disease/
めんえきたい (n) antibody/
めんざいふ (n) indulgence/
めんじょ(n) exemption/exoneration/discharge/(P)/
めんぜいひょう duty-free list/
めんえき(n) immunity/immunization/(P)/
めんぜいしょとくtax-free income/
免 じてめんじてin deference to/
めんざい(n) acquittal/pardon/papal indulgence/
めんしょく(n) dismissal/sacking/discharge/(P)/
めんきょせい (n) license system/
めんきょ(n) license/permit/licence/certificate/(P)/
免じるめんじる(v1) to dismiss/to exempt/
めんえきせい (n) immunity/
めん(n) dismissal/
免れる まぬかれる(v1) to escape from/to be rescued from/to avoid/to evade/to avert/to elude/to be exempted/to be relieved from pain/to get rid of/(P)/
めんぜい(n,vs) tax exemption/duty exemption/(P)/
めんしゅう(n) discharged prisoner/ex-convict/(P)/
めんきょかいでん(n) initiation into the secrets (of an art)/
免黜めんちゅつ(n) dismissal/
めんぜいてん (n) tax exemption limit/
めんせきとっけんdiplomatic immunity/
めんきょしょう (n) licence/license/permit/(P)/
めんせき(n) exemption from responsibility/(P)/
めんぜいひん duty-free articles/
めんそち tax-exempt land/
免れるまぬがれる(v1) to escape from/to be rescued from/to avoid/to evade/to avert/to elude/to be exempted/to be relieved from pain/to get rid of/
めんぜいてん duty-free store/
めんそ(n) tax exemption/
めんそ(n) acquittal/dismissal (of a case)/
めんえき(n) release from office/military service, or prison/