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Kanji: Radical: (ひと) : ゼン; まった(く); whole
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 384 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2022
Japanese Reading English
ぜんし(n) complete history/
ぜんすう(n) the whole number/all/
ぜんこくし (n) national paper/paper with a national circulation/
ぜんりょく(n) all one's power/whole energy/(P)/
ぜんのう(adj-na,n) almighty/omnipotent/
ぜんてん(n) the whole store/
ぜんめんてき (adj-na) all-out/general/over-all/complete/extensive/full-scale/(P)/
ぜんおんかい (n) diatonic scale/
使ぜんけんたいしambassador plenipotentiary/
ぜんがく(n) (the) whole college/
全うするまっとうする(vs-s) to accomplish/to fulfill/to carry out/
ぜんこくてきはんい country-wide/
ぜんしんふずいtotal paralysis/
ぜんりょうせい (n) system where all students live in dormitories/
ぜんぱんに(adv) in general/
ぜんしゃ(n) surjection (math)/onto(-)mapping/epimorphism/
ぜんろんてん the whole point/
ぜんたいしゅうごう(mathematical) universal set/
ぜんぴん(n) all goods/
ぜんせいひん manufactured article/
ぜんしんぜんれい (n) complete devotion/body and soul/one's best/
ぜんざん(n) the whole mountain/
ぜんのう(n) full payment/
ぜんぜんnot at all
ぜんせきにん (n) full responsibility/
ぜんのうしゃ the Almighty/The Omnipotent One/
ぜんじん(n) saint/person well-balanced morally and intellectually/
ぜんやく(n) complete translation/(P)/
ぜんかく(n) em/em quad (printing)/full-pitch character (e.g. 2-Byte Kanji)/
ぜんぱんぜんしょうせんgeneral outpost line/
全てに於てすべてにおいてまさる(exp) to excel in every respect/
ぜんがくれん National Federation of Students/
ぜんかい(n) complete destruction/
ぜんれい(n) one's whole soul/
ぜんぷく(adj-no,n) overall width/wing span/all/every/utmost/
ぜんぱん(adj-no,n) (the) whole/universal/wholly/general/(P)/
ぜんしょうゆうしょうwinning a championship in sumo with a perfect record/
ぜんかい(n) (the) whole assembly/
ぜんめんこうこく(n) full page advertisement/
ぜんだん(n) the whole page/
ぜんしゃ(n) whole company/
ぜんじんかく one's whole personality/
ぜんしみん all the citizens of the city/
ぜんほうち the whole fief/
ぜんかん(n) entire building/
ぜんぜん(adv) wholly/entirely/completely/not at all (neg. verb)/(P)/