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Kanji: Radical: (はちがしら) : ; ; tool
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3128 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2552
Japanese Reading English
ぐたいか (n) embodiment/
ぐたいせい (n) concreteness/feasibility/
具につぶさに(adv) in detail/with great care/completely/again and again/
ぐび(n,vs) endowment/possession/qualification/equipment/
ぐたいてきに concretely/definitely/
ぐあい(n) condition/state/manner/health/
ぐげん(n) incarnation/embodiment/
具のないスープぐのないスープ soup with no ingredients/
ぐたいさく concrete plan/(P)/
ぐたい(n) concrete/tangible/material/
具えるそなえる(v1) to be furnished with/(P)/
具のいスープぐのないスープsoup with no ingredients/
ぐしょう(n,vs) embodying/expressing concretely/
ぐたいてき (adj-na) concrete/tangible/definite/(P)/
ぐそく(n) completeness/armor/coat of mail/
(n,n-suf) tool/means/ingredients/counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture/(P)/
ぐたいあん concrete proposal/
ぐちん(n,vs) report in detail/formal statement/
ぐあん(n) drafting a plan/concrete plan/
ぐしんしょ full (detailed) report/
ぐしょうてき (adj-na) concrete/material/definite/(P)/
ぐあい(n) condition/state/manner/health/(P)/
ぐたいれい concrete example/
ぐしょうびじゅつrepresentational art/
ぐがんのし discerning man/
具わるそなわる(v5r) to be furnished with/to be endowed with/to possess/to be among/to be one of/to be possessed of/(P)/
ぐしん(n) offering a full report to a superior/
ぐがん(n) discerning/
ぐゆう(n,vs) preparedness/possession/