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Kanji: Radical: (いる) : ナイ、ダイ; うち; inside
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 82 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3466
Japanese Reading English
ないだく(n) informal consent/private consent/(P)/
ないけい(n) bore/inside diameter/
ないしゃし cross-eyed/strabismus/
うちばり(n) lining/ceiling/wainscoting/
うちづくりinside finishing (of a house)/
ないこう(n) introvert/(P)/
ないそう(n) interior design/interior/upholstery/
ないしょ(adj-no,n) secrecy/privacy/secret/internal evidence/one's circumstances/(P)/
うちわけ(n) the items/breakdown/classification/
ないてき(adj-na,n) inner/intrinsic/mental/inherited/
ないりょく(n) internal stress/
ないこうしょう (n) preliminary negotiations/
うちわどうしmembers of the family/insiders/
ないひ(n) endothelium/endodermis/
ないち(n) interior of country/homeland/mainland/inland/
うちき(adj-na,n) bashfulness/shyness/reserve/timidity/(P)/
ないしん(n-adv,n-t) innermost thoughts/real intention/inmost heart/one's mind/in the heart/(P)/
ないかくかんぼうちょうかんChief Cabinet Secretary/
ないしきょう endoscope/
ないぶりゅうほ(of a company) internal reserves/
ないせいふかんしょう (n) non-intervention in the domestic affairs of another nation/
ないやせき (n) infield bleachers/
ないがい(n) inside and outside/domestic and foreign/approximately/interior and exterior/(P)/
ないしんしょ (n) pupil's record/
うちのみ(n) inlet/bay/inland sea/
ないぐう(n) Inner Ise Shrine/
うちそと(n) inside and outside/domestic and foreign/approximately/interior and exterior/
ないりくせいきこう (n) continental or inland climate/
ないしょ(adj-no,n) secrecy/privacy/secret/internal evidence/one's circumstances/
うちゆ(n) hotsprings water in the home/
うちにわ(n) inner court/quadrangle/
ないしょう(adj-no,n) secrecy/privacy/secret/internal evidence/one's circumstances/(P)/
ないかい(n) inner world/inner sphere/
うちがし(n) advancing part of a salary/
ないこくさん domestic product/
ないりく(n) inland/(P)/
ないおう(n) inner part/depths/
ないき(n) private regulations/bylaws/tradition/
内壕うちぼり(n) inner moat/moat within the castle walls/
内濠うちぼり(n) inner moat/moat within the castle walls/
喧嘩うちわげんかfamily quarrel/quarreling among themselves/
ないさい(n) settlement out of court/
ないじゅうindwelling (life)/
ないらん(n) private audience/
うちきん(n) bargain money/money paid on account/
内股うちまた(n) inner thigh/
ないじ(n) internal or domestic affairs/
ないじょう(n) internal conditions/true state of affairs/
うちこうしょう (n) preliminary negotiations/
ないぶとうそうinternal struggle/