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Kanji: Radical: (わかんむり) : シャ; うつ(る)、うつ(す); copy
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 626 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2000
Japanese Reading English
を写すしゃしんをうつす(exp) to photograph/to take a picture/
しゃしんをとる (exp) to take a picture/
しゃぞう(n,vs) image/map/
しゃしんちょう (n) photograph album/
しゃしんしゅうかんし (n) weekly pictorial magazine/
写しうつし(n) copy/duplicate/facsimile/transcript/
しゃしょう(n) image/
しゃしんき (n) camera/
しゃせいが (n) picture drawn from life/
しゃしんがお one's looks in a photo/
しゃしんしゅう collection of photographs/
しゃしんしょくじphotosetting (in printing)/
しゃしんばん (n) photostat/photographic plate/photogravure/
しゃしんぎらい camera shy/
しゃしんかん (n) photo studio/
写りうつり(n) print/impression/
しゃじつ(n) realism/real picture/
しゃじつしゅぎしゃ a realist/
しゃしんや (n) photo studio/photographer/
しゃしんそくりょうphotographic surveying/
写しうつしえ(n) magic-lantern picture/child's copying pictures/shadowgraph/
しゃせいちょう sketchbook/
写るうつる(v5r) to be photographed/to be projected/(P)/
しゃしんはんていけっしょうphoto finish/
しゃしんはん (n) (newspaper) cameramen/
しゃせいぶん (n) word picture/
しゃしん(n) photograph/(P)/
しゃしょく(n) phototypesetting/
しゃしんしゅう a photograph collection
しゃしんきてんcamera shop/
しゃせい(n,vs) sketching/drawing from nature/portrayal/description/(P)/
しゃphotograph/copy/transcribe/duplicate/reproduce/trace/desc ribe/picture/
しゃしょっき photo-typesetter/
写しうつしだす(v5s) to reflect/to reveal/to show/
しゃしんき (n) camera/
しゃふ(n) copying a musical score/
しゃじつてき (adj-na) realistic/graphic/true to life/(P)/
しゃしんじゅつ (n) photography/
しゃしんし (n) photographer/
写す うつす(v5s) to film/to transcribe/to duplicate/to reproduce/to trace/to describe/to picture/to photograph/to imitate/(P)/
しゃしんはんていdeciding the winner from a photo/
しゃきょう(n) hand-copied sutras/copying of a sutra/