冠位 | かんい | (n) system indicating court ranks by headgear
colors/ |
冠木 | かぶき | (n) lintel/crossbar/gate with a crossbar/roofed
gate/ |
冠状 | かんじょう | (adj-no,n) coronary/ |
冠木門 | かぶきもん
| (n) gate with a crossbar/ |
冠 | かん | (n,vs)
crown/diadem/first/best/peerless/cap/naming/designating/initiating on coming of
age/top character radical/ |
冠動脈 | かんどうみゃく
| (n) coronary artery/ |
冠絶 | かんぜつ | (n,vs) unique/unsurpassed/ranking foremost/ |
冠毛 | かんもう | (n) thistledown/ |
状動脈 | かんじょうどうみゃく | coronary artery/ |
状静脈 | かんじょうじょうみゃく | coronary vein/ |
大会 | かんむりたいかい
| (n) sports competition sponsored by a business
enterprise/ |
冠 | かんむり | (n,vs)
crown/diadem/first/best/peerless/cap/naming/designating/initiating on coming of
age/top character radical/(P)/ |
冠詞 | かんし | (n) (gram) article/ |
冠状動脈血栓症 | かんじょうどうみゃく
けっせんしょう | coronary thrombosis/ |
冠者 | かじゃ | (n) young person/young servant/young man come of age (at
16)/ |
冠辞 | かんじ | (n) stereotyped epithet/ |
冠省 | かんしょう | (n) letter salutation/ |
冠雪 | かんせつ | snow-capped peak/ |
冠たる | かんたる | (adj-pn,adj-t) the greatest/the first/the
best/ |
冠婚葬祭 | かんこんそうさい | (n) important ceremonial occasions in family
relationships/(P)/ |
冠者 | かんじゃ | (n) young person/young servant/young man come of age (at
16)/ |
冠を付ける | かんむりをつける | (exp) to put on a crown/ |
冠を曲げる | かんむりをまげる | (v1) to become displeased/to get stubborn/ |
冠水 | かんすい | (n) flooding/submerge/ |