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Kanji: Radical: (にすい) : レイ; つめ(たい)、ひ(える)、ひ(やす)、ひ(や)、ひ(やかす)、さ(める)、さ(ます); cold
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 642 Index in Halpern dictionary: 80
Japanese Reading English
冷えひえつのる(v5) to get colder/to get chilled/
冷えひえばら(n) abdominal chills/diarrhea/
れいとうせん refrigerator ship/
れいか(n) chilled sweets/ices/ice cream/
れいきゃくきかんcooling-off period/
れいとうぎょう cold-storage business/
れいせんがたしこう Cold War mentality/
れいとうぎょ (n) refrigerated fish/
れいすいよく (n) cold bath/cold shower/
れいにく(n) cold meat/
れいごうchilling (steel)/
れいぞうほう refrigeration/
れいぞうせん refrigerator ship/
冷えひえいる(v5r) to become completely chilled/
れいすい(n) cold water/(P)/
れいひょう(n) sarcasm/sneer/jeer/
ひややっこ(n) cold tofu/
湿れいしっぷ (n) cold compress/
れいとうざい refrigerant/
冷え冷えひえひえ(adv,n,vs) feeling chilly/being fearful/cold/
れいしゅ(n) cold sake/
れいきゃくざい (n) coolant/
れいかく(n) sensation of cold/
れいか(n) a cool summer/
冷えるひえる(v1,vi) to grow cold/to get chilly/to cool down/(P)/
冷えひえきる(v5r) to become completely chilled/
れいぐう(n) cold reception/inhospitality/(P)/
れいう(n) chilly rain/
れいぞうこ (n) refrigerator/(P)/
れいきゃくすい (n) coolant/
れいしょうてき sarcastic/derisive/
れいこく(adj-na,n) cruelty/coldheartedness/relentless/ruthless/(P)/
冷えひえしょう(n) sensitivity to cold/
れいご(n) hard words/
れいぞうしゃ refrigerator car/
冷やひやざけ(n) cold sake/
れいせん(n) cold mineral spring/(P)/
れいすいかい (n) cold water mass/
冷罨れいあんぽう(n) cold compress/cold pack/
れいぞう(n) cold storage/refrigeration/(P)/
冷やひやあせ(n) cold sweat/(P)/
冷えがるひえあがる(v5r) to get completely chilled/
れいこう(n) cold light/luminescence/
れいすいまさつrubdown with a wet towel/cold-water rubbing/(P)/
冷やひやめしくい (n) a hanger-on/a dependent/
れいぞうしつ (n) cold room/
れいきゃく(n,vs) cooling/refrigeration/