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Kanji: Radical: (にすい) : ギョウ; こ(る)、こ(らす); congeal
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 16 Index in Nelson dictionary: 652 Index in Halpern dictionary: 175
Japanese Reading English
ぎょうこてん (n) freezing point/
凝らすこごらす(v5,vt) to freeze/to congeal/
ぎょうにゅうcurd/curdled mild/rennet/
凝りしこり(n) stiffness (in shoulders)/swelling/hardening/
ぎょうし(n) solidified oil/
凝らすこらす(v5s) to concentrate/to devote/to apply/to strain/to rack/
凝るこごる(v5r) to congeal/to freeze/
しこり(n) stiffness (in shoulders)/swelling/hardening/
ぎょうけつ(n) coagulation/freezing/solidification/curdling/setting/congealing/(P)/
ぎょうぎ(n) deliberation/consultation/
凝めるみつめる(oK) (v1) (uk) to stare at/to gaze at/to look hard at/to watch intently/to fix one's eyes on/
ぎょうりつ(n) standing absolutely still/
ぎょうかい(n) clot/
凝りこりしょう(adj-na,n) fastidiousness/enthusiasm for one thing/(P)/
ぎょうしゅうりょく (n) cohesive power/
凝ったこったそうしょく elaborate ornaments/
凝りこり(n) stiffness (in shoulders)/swelling/hardening/
ぎょうし(n,vs) stare/gaze/fixation/(P)/
ぎょうこ(n) coagulation/freezing/solidification/(P)/
凝らせるこごらせる (v1,vt) to freeze/to congeal/
凝るこる(v5r) to grow stiff/to be absorbed in/to be devoted to/to be a fanatic/to elaborate/(P)/
ぎょうちゃく(n) adhesion/
ぎょうちゃくりょく adhesion/
凝るしこる(v5r) to stiffen/to harden/
ぎょうけつ(n,vs) blood clot/curdle/
こり(n) stiffness (in shoulders)/swelling/hardening/
としてぎょうぜんとしてquietly/without the slightest movement/
ぎょうしゅく(n) condensation/
ぎょうかいがん (n) tuff/
ぎょうぼう(n,vs) looking intently/
ぎょうねん(n) concentration of thought/
凝りまるこりかたまる(v5r) to coagulate/to curdle/to clot/to be fanatical/
ぎょうしゅう(n) cohesion/condensation/
ぎょうたい(n) delay/