切符を切る | きっぷをきる | (exp) to rip off a coupon/to punch a
ticket/ |
切れ屋 | きれや | dry-goods store/ |
要 | せつよう | (adj-na,n) essential/vital/ |
切り接ぎ | きりつぎ | (n) grafting/ |
物 | きれもの | (n) edged tool/cutlery/shrewd businessman/ |
切り上げる | きりあげる | (v1) to abbreviate/to close/to finish/ |
切望 | せつぼう | (n,vs) longing for/earnest desire/ |
切り起こす | きりおこす | (v5s) to open up waste land for cultivation/ |
切り盛り | きりもり | (n) management/administration/preparing food/ |
切地 | きれじ | (n) cloth/fabric/ |
切 | さい | cut/ |
切り結ぶ | きりむすぶ | (v5b) to cross swords with/ |
切れっ端 | きれっぱし | (n) scraps/cut end/cut-off piece/ |
切り替える | きりかえる | (v1) to change/to exchange/to convert/to renew/to throw
a switch/to replace/to switch over/ |
切れ間 | きれま | (n) interval/break/rift (in clouds)/ |
切替え | きりかえ | (n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching
(to)/switchover/ |
切りのない | きりのない | endless/boundless/ |
切り杭 | きりくい | (n) stump/ |
切言 | せつげん | (n) urging/persuasion/declaration/ |
切上げ | きりあげ | (n) end/conclusion/ |
切らない | きらない | not through/not finished/ |
切り殺す | きりころす | (v5s) to slay/ |
払う | きりはらう | (v5u) to clear away/to clear land/to prune/to lop
off/ |
切開手術 | せっかいしゅじゅつ | surgical operation/ |
切り賃 | きりちん | (n) brokerage/exchange commission/ |
切迫感 | せっぱくかん
| (n) sense of urgency/ |
切り替え | きりかえ | (n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching
(to)/switchover/(P)/ |
切断患者 | せつだんかんじゃ | amputee/ |
切り倒す | きりたおす | (v5s) to cut down/to chop down/to fell/ |
切り下げる | きりさげる | (v1) to cut down/to prune/to reduce/to cut and hang
down/to cut shorter/ |
切り立て | きりたて | freshly cut/ |
切れ無い | きれない | cannot/be unable to/ |
切歯 | せっし | (n) gnashing of teeth/ |
切諌 | せっかん | (n) admonition/expostulation/ |
切り直す | きりなおす | (v5s) to correct cutting/to reshuffle (playing
cards)/ |
切り破る | きりやぶる | (v5r) to cut to pieces/ |
切り抜き帖 | きりぬきちょう | scrapbook/ |
切日 | しめきりび | time limit/closing day/ |
切り合う | きりあう | (v5u) to fight with swords/to cross swords/ |
切り狂言 | きりきょうげん
| (n) last act/ |
切り枯らす | きりからす | (v5) to destroy/to kill off (trees)/ |
切り石 | きりいし | (n) hewn stone/quarried stone/ |
切符売場 | きっぷうりば | ticket window/box office/ticket/ |
切妻 | きりずま | gable/ |
切りっ端 | きりっぱし | scraps/cut end/cut-off piece/ |
切迫した | せっぱくした | pressing/urgent/imminent/ |
切り紙 | きりかみ | (n) cut paper/paper cut in half/paper scrap/the art of
cutting paper (in contrast to origami)/ |
りがない | きりがない | (uk)
to be endless (innumerable)/ |
切り分かつ | きりわかつ | (v5) to cut up/ |
妻 | きりづま | (n) gable/ |