判例 | はんれい | (n) (judicial) precedent/(P)/ |
判定負け | はんていまけ
| losing a decision (on points)/ |
判別 | はんべつ | (n,vs) distinction/discrimination/ |
判決文 | はんけつぶん
| judgment paper/ |
判然たる | はんぜんたる | (adj-t) clear/distinct/evident/definite/ |
判官贔屓 | ほうがんびいき | (n) sympathy for a tragic hero/sympathy for an
underdog/ |
判り | わかり | understanding/ |
難い | わかりにくい | (adj) hard to
understand/incomprehensible/unintelligible/ |
判読し難い | はんどくしがたい
| illegible/ |
判事 | はんじ | (n) judge/judiciary/(P)/ |
判然と | はんぜんと | clearly/distinctly/ |
判決を覆す | はんけつをくつがえす
| (exp) to overrule a decision/ |
判検事 | はんけんじ
| judges and prosecutors/ |
判る | わかる | (v5r) to understand/to know/ |
判じ絵 | はんじえ | (n) picture puzzle/ |
判断規準 | はんだんきじゅん | evaluation standard/ |
判者 | はんじゃ | (n) judge (of literary contests)/ |
判読 | はんどく | (n) decipherment/interpretation/making out/ |
判別式 | はんべつしき
| test condition (programming)/conditional
expression/test expression/ |
判官 | はんがん | (n) judge/magistrate/ |
判断基準 | はんだんきじゅん | evaluation criteria/ |
判任官 | はんにんかん
| (n) junior official/ |
判事補 | はんじほ
| (n) assistant
judge/judge-in-training/ |
判じ物 | はんじもの | (n) puzzle/riddle/ |
判を押す | はんをおす | (exp) to affix a seal/ |
判明 | はんめい | (n,vs)
establishing/proving/identifying/confirming/(P)/ |
判決 | はんけつ | (n) judicial
decision/judgement/sentence/decree/(P)/ |
じる | はんじる | (v1) to
judge/to decide/to guess/to solve/to decipher/to interpret/to
divine/ |
判士 | はんし | judge advocate/ |
定勝ち | はんていがち
| winning a decision/ |
判子 | はんこ | (n) seal (used for signature)/(P)/ |
判取り帳 | はんとりちょう
| (n) chit book/delivery book/ |
判断中止 | はんだんちゅうし | suspension of judgement/ |
判断 | はんだん | (n,vs)
judgement/decision/adjudication/conclusion/decipherment/divination/(P)/ |
判 | ばん | (n,n-suf) size (of paper or books)/(P)/ |
判 | はん | (n) seal/stamp/monogram
signature/judgment/(P)/ |
判定 | はんてい | (n,vs) judgement/decision/award/verdict/(P)/ |
判決に従う | はんけつにしたがう
| (exp) to abide by the verdict/ |
判断力 | はんだんりょく
| (n) judgment/discernment/(P)/ |
判取り | はんとり | (n) traveling around getting seal stamps/ |
判然 | はんぜん | (adj-na,n) clear/distinct/ |
判官贔屓 | はんがんびいき | (n) sympathy for a tragic hero/sympathy for an
underdog/ |