別間 | べつま | (n) separate room/special room/ |
別配達 | べつはいたつ
| (n) special delivery/ |
別れ路 | わかれみち | (n) branch/forked road/crossroads/branch road/parting of
the ways/turning point/ |
別れ路 | わかれじ | (n) parting of the ways/the way to hades/one's way after
the parting/ |
別除権 | べつじょけん
| (n) right of exclusion/ |
別宴 | べつえん | (n) farewell dinner/ |
別業 | べつぎょう | (n) villa/another line of work/ |
別使 | べっし | (n) special messenger/another messenger/ |
別紙 | べっし | (n) enclosure/ |
冊 | べっさつ | (n) separate volume/extra
issue/supplement/(P)/ |
別種 | べっしゅ | (n) another kind/distinct species/variety/ |
別意 | べつい | (n) different opinion/intention to part/ |
別名 | べつみょう | (n) alias/pseudonym/pen name/nom de plume/ |
別言 | べつげん | (n) other words/ |
れを惜しむ | わかれをおしむ | (exp) to loathe to part with/ |
別 | べつ | (adj-na,n,n-suf)
/ |
別途預金 | べっとよきん | special deposit/ |
封 | べっぷう | (n) under separate cover/accompanying
letter/ |
別々に | べつべつに | separately/apart/severally/individually/ |
別箇 | べっこ | (adj-na,adj-no,n)
several/separate/different/another/ |
別堂 | べつどう | separate building/ |
別天地 | べってんち
| (n) another world/ |
別個 | べっこ | (adj-na,adj-no,n)
another/different/separate/(P)/ |
| わかれわかれに | separately/apart/severally/individually/ |
別懇 | べっこん | (adj-na,n) intimacy/ |
別れ道 | わかれみち | (n) branch/forked road/crossroads/branch road/parting of
the ways/turning point/ |
別盃 | べっぱい | (n) farewell
cup/farewell dinner/ |
別段 | べつだん | (adv,adj-no,n) particularly/ |
別珍 | べっちん | (n) velveteen/ |
| べつべつ | (adj-na,n)
separately/individually/ |
別状 | べつじょう | (n) different situation/ |
別巻 | べっかん | (n) separate volume/extra issue/ |
別路 | べつろ | (n) different road/ |
別嬪 | べっぴん | (n) (vulg) beautiful woman/beauty/pretty
girl/ |
別命 | べつめい | (n) another or separate order/ |
別宅 | べったく | (n) secondary residence/ |
別席 | べっせき | (n) different seat/special seat/separate
room/ |
別当 | べっとう | (n)
groom/footman/stableman/equerry/intendant/steward/ |
別便で | べつびんで | by separate post/ |
別立て | べつだて | (n) separate dealings or charges/ |
別口 | べつくち | (n) different item/different lot/ |
別の本 | べつのほん | another (different) book/ |
別して | べっして | (adv) especially/particularly/ |
別格 | べっかく | (n) special/extraordinary/ |
別項 | べっこう | (n) special heading/separate paragraph/ |
別儀 | べつぎ | (n) another affair/special matter/ |
別々 | べつべつ | (adj-na,n) separately/individually/(P)/ |
別染め | べつぞめ | special dyeing/ |
隔て | わけへだて | (n) distinction/favoritism/ |
別れ目 | わかれめ | (n) turning point/fork/junction/parting of the
ways/ |