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Kanji: Radical: (かたな) : ; さ(す)、さ(し)、さ(さる); pierce
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 682 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1275< /tr>
Japanese Reading English
さしみ(n) sliced raw fish/(P)/
刺戟しげき(n,vs) stimulus/impetus/incentive/excitement/irritation/encouragement/motivation/
しげきぶつ stimulus/incentive/
刺しさしころす(v5s) to stab to death/(P)/
刺しさしこ(n) quilting/quilted coat/
さしこ(n) lined garment with over-all stitching/
しげきのひんこんpoverty of stimulus/
刺しさしぬい(n) quilting/
いれずみ(n,vs) tattoo/
刺戟 しげきざい(n) stimulant/
刺し えるさしちがえる(v1) to misplace/to stab at each other/
刺すさす(v5s) to pierce/to stab/to prick/to thrust/to bite/to sting/to pin down/to stitch/to put (a runner) out/to pole (a boat)/to catch (with a line)/to stick/(P)/
ししょう(n) stab/puncture wound/
しげきてき (adj-na) stimulating/
刺さるささる(v5r) to stick/to be stuck/(P)/
しかく(n) assassin/
しせい(n,vs) tattoo/
しげきしゅう irritant odor/irritating smell (odor)/
刺々いらいら(oK) (adv,n,vs) (uk) getting nervous/irritation/
刺しさしみ(n) sliced raw fish/
刺をじるしをつうじる(exp) to present one's card/
刺しさしとおす(v5s) to stab/to pierce/to run (a sword) through/
とげ(n) thorn/splinter/spine/biting words/
いら(n) thorn/splinter/spine/biting words/
刺繍 ししゅう(n,vs) embroidery/
しさつ(n,vs) putting out (baseball)/stabbing to death/
わせさしみのもりあわせplate of assorted sashimi/
刺刺しいとげとげしい(adj) sharp/harsh/stinging/thorny/snappy/
しげき(n,vs) stimulus/impetus/incentive/excitement/irritation/encouragement/motivation/(P)/
しげきざい (n) stimulant/
刺しさし(n) sharpened tube for testing rice in bags/
いらくさ(n) nettle/
しげきせい stimulative/incentive/irritative/
とげうおstickleback (fish)/
さしみぼうちょうfish-slicing knife/
刺股さすまた(n) two-pronged weapon for catching a criminal/
刺しさしきず(n) a stab/puncture wound/(P)/
刺々しいとげとげしい(adj) sharp/harsh/stinging/thorny/snappy/
とげぬき(n) tweezers/forceps/
刺刺いらいら(oK) (adv,n,vs) (uk) getting nervous/irritation/
しじょうとっきprickle (of plants)/
刺されるさされる(v1) to be stabbed/
刺繍ししゅういとembroidery thread/
刺をとげをぬく(v5) to pull out a thorn/
(n) calling card/
さしみsashimi (sliced raw fish)
しらく(n) bloodletting/
刺のとげのあることばstinging (barbed) words/harsh language/
刺しさしつらぬく(v5k) to pierce/