刻下 | こっか | (n-adv,n-t) the present/ |
刻み | きざみ | (n) shredded tobacco/notch/nick/ |
刻み値 | きざみち | increment/step value/ |
刻み足 | きざみあし | (n) mincing steps/ |
刻々 | こっこく | (adv,n) moment by moment/hour by hour/ |
刻刻 | こくこく | (adv,n) moment by moment/hour by hour/ |
刻一刻と | こくいっこくと | moment by moment/hour by hour/(P)/ |
刻刻に | こっこくに | moment by moment/hour by hour/ |
刻一刻 | こくいっこく | (adv) moment by moment/hour by hour/(P)/ |
刻字 | こくじ | (n) carving characters/carved characters/ |
刻苦 | こっく | (n) hard work/ |
| こく | (n)
time/carving/engraving/cutting/ |
刻み目 | きざみめ | (n) notch/nick/marks on a ruler/ |
刻み付ける | きざみつける | (v1) to engrave/to carve out/ |
刻刻 | こっこく | (adv,n) moment by moment/hour by hour/ |
刻みに | きざみに | (exp) in steps of/in units of/calculated
by/ |
刻薄 | こくはく | (adj-na,n) cruel/inhumane/ |
刻む | きざむ | (v5m) to mince/to carve/to engrave/to cut fine/to chop
up/to hash/to chisel/to notch/(P)/ |
| こくこく | (adv,n)
moment by moment/hour by hour/ |
| こっこくに | moment by
moment/hour by hour/ |
刻本 | こくほん | (n) wood-block book/ |
刻 | きざ | scratch/ |
刻印 | こくいん | (n) carved seal/ |
苦勉励 | こっくべんれい | (n) be arduous/work diligently enduring
hardships/ |
刻み出す | きざみだす | (v5) to carve out/ |
刻限 | こくげん | (n) time/appointed time/ |
刻足 | きざみあし | (n) mincing steps/ |
刻み煙草 | きざみたばこ
| (n) shredded tobacco/ |