削 | さく | plane/sharpen/whittle/pare/shave (leather)/scrape
off/crossout/reduce/curtail/ |
削摩 | さくま | (n) denudation/ |
| そぐ | (v5g) to
chip/to slice off/to thin down/to reduce/to weaken/to sharpen/ |
削氷機 | さくひょうき
| ice-shaving machine/ |
削り屑 | けずりくず | (n) shavings/ |
削除 | さくじょ | (n,vs)
elimination/cancellation/deletion/erasure/(P)/ |
削り節 | けずりぶし | (n) flaked bonito/(P)/ |
削り落とす | けずりおとす | (v5) to scrape off/to plane off/ |
削る | けずる | (v5r) to shave (wood or leather)/to sharpen/to plane/to
whittle/to pare/to scrape off/to crossout/to reduce/to curtail/(P)/ |
削井 | さくせい | well drilling/ |
取る | けずりとる | (v5r) to shave off/to scrape off/ |
削片 | さくへん | splinter/chip/ |
岩機 | さくがんき
| (n) rock drill/ |
削る | はつる | (v5r) to cut down little by little/to take a
percentage/ |
削減 | さくげん | (n) cut/reduction/curtailment/(P)/ |