剣難 | けんなん | (n) the calamity of being killed by the sword/ |
剣を抜く | けんをぬく | (v5) to draw a sword/ |
剣術 | けんじゅつ | (n) fencing/ |
剣付き鉄砲 | けんつきでっぽう | (n) fixed bayonet/ |
剣士 | けんし | (n) fencer/ |
剣劇 | けんげき | (n) sword play/samurai drama/(P)/ |
剣付くを食う | けんつくをくう
| (v5) to be the victim of a burst of
anger/ |
剣戟 | けんげき | (n)
weapons/arms/ |
剣ヶ峰 | けんがみね | crater's rim/edge of the ring in sumo/ |
剣帯 | けんたい | sword belt/ |
剣の山を登る | つるぎのやまをのぼる
| (exp) to perform a hazardous deed/ |
剣法 | けんぽう | (n) fencing/ |
剣舞 | けんぶ | (n) sword dance/ |
先 | けんさき | (n) point of a sword/ |
剣呑 | けんのん | (adj-na,n) risky/dangerous/insecure/ |
剣付くを食わす | けんつくをくわす
| (v5) to burst out in anger/ |
剣道 | けんどう | kendo, Japanese fencing |
剣 | けん | (n) sword/sabre/blade/bayonet/sting/clock
hand/ |
剣 | つ
るぎ | (n) sword/(P)/ |
剣鬼 | けんき | devilish swordsman/ |
剣を抜く | つるぎをぬく | (v5) to draw a sword/ |
剣客 | けんきゃく | (n) fencer/swordsman/ |
剣突 | けんつく | (n) (a) scolding/ |
剣状 | けんじょう | sword-shaped/ |
帯びる | けんをおびる | (exp) to wear a sword at one's side/ |
剣璽 | けんじ | sacred sword and jewels/ |
剣豪 | けんごう | (n) master fencer/ |
剣山 | けんざん | (n) a tool, used in Ikebana (flower arranging), with a
heavy base from which needles project upwards, onto which flowers or branches
are pushed/ |
剣客 | けんかく | (n) fencer/swordsman/ |
剣玉 | けんだま | (n) cup-and-ball game/ |
剣道 | けんどう | (n) kendo/swordmanship/fencing/(P)/ |
剣道の師範 | けんどうのしはん | fencing teacher/ |
形 | けんがた | sword shape/ |
剣突く | けんつく | (n) rough scolding/ |
剣の道 | けんのみち | swordsmanship/ |
幕 | けんまく | (n) threatening attitude/ |