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Kanji: Radical: (かたな) : フク; ; secondary
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 699 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1776
Japanese Reading English
ふくしん(n) sub-umpire/sub-referee/
ふくぎょう(n) side job/sideline/subsidiary business/(P)/
ふくしく (n) adverbial (adverb) phrase/
ふくとくほん (n) supplementary reader/
ふくびくう(n) paranasal sinus/paranasal cavity/sinus paranasales/
ふくりょうじ vice-consul/
ふくさんぶつ (n) byproduct/side line/(P)/
ふくそうり (n) deputy (vice) prime minister/
ふくしょ(n) copy/duplicate/
ふくしゃちょう vice-president/(P)/
使ふくし(n) vice-envoy/deputy delegate/
ふくとしん (n) secondary (redevelopment) effects on a city center as a result of suburban development/
ふくしんけい accessory nerves/
そえぎ(n) splint/
ふくほん(n) duplicate/copy/
ふくみだし subtitle/
ふくぎ(n) secondary/
ふくそうひん (n) burial accessories/(P)/
ふくだい(n) subtitle/subheading/(P)/
副腎ふくじん(n) suprarenal body/adrenal glands/
ふくしゅうにゅう (n) additional income/
ふくしゃく(n) vernier scale/
ふくしゅ(n) assistant/associate/
ふくちじ (n) lieutenant governor/
ふくかいちょう vice president (of a club or organization)/
ふくていとう collateral security/
ふくいん(n) secondary cause/
ふくさよう (n) reaction/secondary effect/(P)/
とりわけ(adv,n) especially/above all/
ふくぼく(n) splint/
副える そえる(v1,vt) to add to/to attach/to append/to accompany/to garnish/to imitate/to annex/
ふくどくほん (n) supplementary reader/
ふくしゅしょう deputy prime minister/vice prime minister/
ふくかん(n) adjutant/aide/aide-de-camp/
ふく(n,pref) duplicate/copy/assistant/associate/vice-/sub-/deputy/substitute/auxiliary/supple mentary/additional/collateral/(P)/
ふくしれい deputy commander/
ふくしょ(n) countersignature/
ふくぼくし associate pastor/curate/
ふくだいとうりょうvice president (of a country)/
ふくしょう(n) extra prize/
ふくぎちょう (n) vice-chairman/
ふくしょう(n) second in command/
ふくびくうえん (n) sinusitis/
ふくしょく(n) side dish/supplementary food/
ふくしょくぶつ (n) side dish/supplementary food/
副うそう(v5u,vi) to suit/to meet/to satisfy/to marry/to accompany/to be added to/to be adjusted to/
ふっかん(n) adjutant/aide/aide-de-camp/
ふくじてき (adj-na,n) secondary/
ふくにじsecondary rainbow/
ふくし(n) adverb/(P)/