割賦購買 | かっぷこうばい | buying in installments/ |
割烹着 | かっぽうぎ | (n) coverall apron/cook's apron/ |
割合に | わりあいに | (adv) comparatively/(P)/ |
割拠 | かっきょ | (n,vs) holding one's ground/defending local
authority/ |
割賦 | わっぷ | (n) allotment/quota/payment in
installments/hire-purchase/ |
割り楔 | わりくさび | split
wedge/ |
割増料金 | わりましりょうきん | a surcharge/extra charge/ |
割愛 | かつあい | (n,vs) giving something up reluctantly/omitting/leaving
out/sparing/ |
割り増し | わりまし | (n) premium/bonus/extra wages/ |
割り栗石 | わりぐりいし | crushed rock/macadam/ |
割り込む | わりこむ | (v5m) to cut in/to thrust oneself into/to wedge oneself
in/to muscle in on/to interrupt/to disturb/(P)/ |
割れる | われる | (v1,vi) to break/to split/to cleave/to fissure/to be
smashed/to crack/to be torn/(P)/ |
割付 | わりつけ | (n)
allotment/assignment/allocation/distribution/layout/editing/ |
割判 | わりはん | (n) tally impression/ |
割引き | わりびき | (n,suf) discount/reduction/rebate/tenths
discounted/(P)/ |
割高 | わりだか | (adj-na,n) comparatively high/fairly
expensive/ |
割礼無き | かつれいなき
| uncircumcised/ |
割当て | わりあて | (n)
allotment/assignment/allocation/quota/rationing/(P)/ |
割符 | わりふ | (n) tally/score/check/ |
割り当て額 | わりあてがく
| allotment/allocation/ |
割れ物 | われもの | (n) fragile item/broken article/ |
割礼 | かつれい | (n) circumcision/ |
割烹 | かっぽう | (n) cooking/cuisine/ |
割り込み | わりこみ | (n) interruption/sharing a theater box/muscling in
on/wedging oneself in/cutting in line/(CPU) interrupt/ |
割引発行 | わりびきはっこう | discount issue/ |
目 | われめ | (n)
chasm/interstice/crevice/crack/split/rift/fissure/(P)/ |
割り符 | わりふ | (n) tally/score/check/ |
割れ | われ | (n,n-suf) broken piece/ |
割勘 | わりかん | (n) Dutch account/Dutch treat/ |
割賦販売 | かっぷはんばい | selling in installments/ |
割引歩合 | わりびきぶあい | discount rate/ |
戻す | わりもどす | (v5s) to rebate/kickback/ |
割前 | わりまえ | (n) share/portion/quota/ |
割引手形 | わりびきてがた | discounted bill/ |
り鏨 | わりたがね | ripping
chisel/ |
割烹料理 | かっぽうりょうり
| (n) Japanese cooking/ |
割書き | わりがき | (n) interlinear notes/notes between lines of
text/ |
割り当てる | わりあてる | (v1) to assign/to allot/to divide among/to distribute/to
prorate/(P)/ |
割り切れない | わりきれない | indivisible/unconvincing/incomprehensible/unaccounted
for/ |
割り解す | わりほぐす | to beat (an egg)/ |
割り麦 | わりむぎ | (n) ground barley/ |
割注 | わりちゅう | (n) inserted notes/ |
割れ鐘 | われがね | (n) cracked bell/a resounding voice/ |
割り切れる | わりきれる | (v1) to be divisible (by)/to be divided without
residue/ |
割れ易い | われやすい | brittle/fragile/easily cracked/perishable/ |
割腹 | かっぷく | (n) disembowelment/harakiri/ |
割増運賃 | わりましうんちん | additional freight/ |
割下 | わりした | (n) soup/ |
| わりに | (adv)
comparatively/in proportion/ |
割り引く | わりびく | (v5k) to discount/(P)/ |