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Kanji: Radical: (ちから) : レイ; はげ(む)、はげ(ます)、はげ(み); encourage
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 193 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1119
Japanese Reading English
れいしん(n) excitation (drive)/
れいこう(n,vs) strict enforcement/carry out (regulations)/(P)/
れいしんそしdriven element (antenna)/
励ますはげます(v5s) to encourage/to cheer/to raise (the voice)/(P)/
励むはげむ(v5m) to be zealous/to brace oneself/to endeavour/to strive/to make an effort/(P)/
れいしんかん exciter tube/
れいせい(n) diligence/
れいじでんりゅうexcitation current/
れいしんき exciter (driver)/
れいせい(n) shouts of encouragement/
励みはげみあう(v5) to vie with another/
励ましはげまし(n) stimulation/encouragement/
れいじき (n) exciter/
れいじそん excitation loss/
れいき(n) (electrical) excitation/
れいじ(n) excitation/
励み はげみ(n) stimulus/encouragement/incentive/