勅題 | ちょくだい | (n) theme of the Imperial Poetry Contest/ |
勅書 | ちょくしょ | (n) imperial rescript/ |
勅命 | ちょくめい | (n) imperial command/(P)/ |
勅 | みことのり | (n) imperial decree/imperial edict/ |
勅撰 | ちょくせん | (n) compilation for the emperor/emperor's literary
production/ |
勅宣 | ちょくせん | (n) imperial decree/ |
勅任官 | ちょくにんかん
| (n) imperial appointee/ |
勅旨 | ちょくし | (n) imperial messenger/imperial order/imperial
will/ |
勅願 | ちょくがん | (n) imperial prayer/ |
勅額 | ちょくがく | (n) imperial scroll/ |
勅諭 | ちょくゆ | (n) imperial instructions/ |
勅 | ちょく | (n) imperial decree/imperial edict/(P)/ |
勅任 | ちょくにん | (n) imperial appointment/ |
勅筆 | ちょくひつ | (n) imperial autograph/ |
勅裁 | ちょくさい | (n) imperial decision or sanction/ |
勅願寺 | ちょくがんじ
| (n) temple built at the order of the
emperor/ |
勅令 | ちょくれい | (n) (imperial) edict/ |
勅選集 | ちょくせんしゅう
| emperor-sponsored anthology/ |
勅使 | ちょくし | (n) imperial messenger/imperial order/imperial
will/(P)/ |
勅意 | ちょくい | (n) meaning or gist of a decree/ |
勅答 | ちょくとう | (n) emperor's reply/reply to the emperor/ |
勅諚 | ちょくじょう | (n) imperial message/ |
勅語 | ちょくご | (n) imperial rescript/(P)/ |
勅問 | ちょくもん | (n) imperial question/ |
勅撰集 | ちょくせんしゅう | (n) imperial-commissioned poem anthology/ |
勅選 | ちょくせん | (n) imperial nomination/ |
勅勘 | ちょっかん | (n) the emperor's censure/ |
勅許 | ちょっきょ | (n) imperial sanction/ |