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Kanji: Radical: (ちから) : ベン; つと(める); study
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 228 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3318
Japanese Reading English
べんきょうべやstudy room/
べんきょうじかん(n) one's study hours (time)/
めるべんきょうしはじめ るto begin to study/
けるべんきょうをなまけ る(exp) to neglect one's studies/
べんきょうしだす to begin to study/
勉めてつとめて(adv) as much as possible/diligently/
べんがく(n) study/pursuit of knowledge/(P)/
べんきょうにねつがはいる(exp) to become very keen on one's studies/
べんきょうにはげむ (exp) to work hard at one's lessons/
べんきょう(n,vs) study/diligence/discount/reduction/(P)/
べんきょうか diligent student/studious person/(P)/
べんれい(n) diligence/
べんきょうちゅう while studying/
べんきょうのかたわらおんがくをきく (exp) to listen to music while studying/
べんきょうずくえ (writing) desk/