勘決 | かんけつ | (vs) investigation and decision/ |
勘責 | かんせき | reproving for a fault/ |
勘定取り | かんじょうとり
| bill collector/ |
勘定を済ます | かんじょうをすます
| (exp) to pay one's bill/ |
勘を働かせる | かんをはたらかせる | (exp) to think quickly/to use one's head/ |
勘 | かん | (n) perception/intuition/the sixth
sense/(P)/ |
勘所 | かんどころ | (n) finger board (of a musical instrument)/vital
point/ |
勘づく | かんづく | (v5k) to suspect/to
sense/to scent/ |
勘定書 | かんじょうしょ
| (n) a bill/a check/ |
勘校 | かんこう | (n,vs) examination and correction/ |
勘定高い | かんじょうだかい
| (adj)
calculating/mercenary/closefisted/ |
勘忍 | かんにん | (int,n) pardon/patient
endurance/forbearance/forgiveness/ |
勘定係 | かんじょうがかり
| cashier/accountant/treasurer/ |
勘定尽く | かんじょうずく
| (n) a calculating, profit or loss
mentality/ |
勘付く | かんづく | (v5k) (uk) to suspect/to sense (danger)/to
scent/ |
勘定尽くで | かんじょうづくで
| in a mercenary spirit/ |
勘定 | かんじょう | (n,vs)
calculation/counting/consideration/reckoning/settlement of an
account/allowance/(P)/ |
勘定尻 | かんじょうじり | balance of an account/ |
勘例 | かんれい | considering old precedents/ |
勘弁 | かんべん | (n,vs) pardon/forgiveness/forbearance/(P)/ |
勘定場 | かんじょうば
| cashier's counter/ |
勘考 | かんこう | (n,vs) consider/ |
合 | かんごう | (n) checking and verifying/ |
勘検 | かんけん | (vs) investigation/ |
勘査 | かんさ | investigation/ |
定を払う | かんじょうをはらう
| (exp) to settle one's account/to pay a
bill/ |
勘定書き | かんじょうがき
| (n) bill/one's account/ |
勘繰る | かんぐる | (v5r) to be suspicious of/ |
勘の良い人 | かんのいいひと
| person of quick perception/ |
勘定違い | かんじょうちがい
| miscalculation/ |
勘審 | かんしん | careful investigation/ |
勘気 | かんき | (n) disfavor/disinheritance/ |
勘合貿易 | かんごうぼうえき | licensed trade/ |
違い | かんちがい | (n,vs) misunderstanding/wrong guess/(P)/ |
勘進 | かんしん | reporting after careful investigation/ |
勘定日 | かんじょうび
| (n) settlement day/ |
勘案 | かんあん | (n,vs) taking into consideration/giving consideration
(to)/thinking/ |
勘当 | かんどう | (n) disinheritance/(P)/ |