勝敗 | しょうはい | (n) victory or defeat/issue (of battle)/(P)/ |
勝る | まさる | (v5r) to excel/to surpass/to outrival/(P)/ |
勝利者 | しょうりしゃ
| winner/victor/conqueror/(P)/ |
勝ち残る | かちのこる | (v5r) to win and advance to the next round/ |
勝ち負け | かちまけ | (n) victory or defeat/ |
勝ち気 | かちき | (adj-na,n) determined or unyielding spirit/ |
勝ち戦 | かちいくさ | (n) victory/ |
勝利投手 | しょうりとうしゅ | winning pitcher/ |
手向き | かってむき
| (n) in and about a kitchen/family
circumstances/ |
勝報 | しょうほう | (n) news of a victory/ |
勝負師 | しょうぶし
| (n) gambler/ |
勝ち進む | かちすすむ | (v5m) to win and advance to the next round/ |
勝ち放す | かちはなす | (v5s) to win continuously/ |
勝つ | かつ | (v5t) to win/(P)/ |
勝ち逃げ | かちにげ | (n) quitting while one is ahead/ |
勝ちっ放し | かちっぱなし | (n) winning straight victories/making a clean
score/ |
勝楽 | しょうらく | Cakrasamvara/Samvara/Supreme Bliss (tantric Buddhist
deity)/ |
勝ち味 | かちみ | (n) sign of victory/ |
勝手口 | かってぐち
| (n) kitchen door/back door/ |
勝手に | かってに | arbitrarily/of it's own accord/involuntarily/wilfully/as
one pleases/ |
勝ち星 | かちぼし | (n) (mark indicating) a win/ |
勝敗の鍵を握る | しょうはいのかぎをに
ぎる | (exp) to have the game in one's hands/to hold
the key to victory/ |
勝ち名乗り | かちなのり
| (n) (in sumo) being declared the winner of a
bout/ |
勝たれぬ | かたれぬ | to be unable to
win/ |
勝率 | しょうりつ | (n) winning percentage/ |
勝負事 | しょうぶごと
| (n) gambling/competition/game (of
chance)/ |
勝利 | しょうり | (n) victory/triumph/conquest/success/win/(P)/ |
勝ち | かち | (n) win/victory/(P)/ |
勝景 | しょうけい | (n) scenic view/ |
ち越す | かちこす | (v5s) to have more wins than losses/to lead (someone) by
(three) matches/ |
勝者 | しょうしゃ | (n) winner/victor/(P)/ |
勝手次第 | かってしだい | (adj-na,n) acting according to one's
inclinations/ |
勝ち抜く | かちぬく | (v5k) to win through/ |
勝ち得る | かちえる | (v1) to achieve/to win/to gain/to attain/ |
勝訴 | しょうそ | (n) winning a lawsuit/(P)/ |
勝手元 | かってもと
| (n) in and about a kitchen/family
circumstances/ |
勝ちとる | かちとる | (v5r) to obtain/to
secure/to win/ |
勝ち取る | かちとる | (v5r) to exert oneself and win/to gain
(victory)/ |
勝着 | しょうちゃく | (n) winning move (in a go game)/ |
勝地 | しょうち | (n) beauty spot/scenic spot/ |
勝ち鬨 | かちどき | (n) shout or cry of victory/ |
勝ち通す | かちとおす | (v5) to win straight victories/(P)/ |
勝ち栗 | かちぐり | (n) dried chestnut/ |
勝ち目 | かちめ | (n) chance/odds/ |
手 | かって | (adj-na,n) kitchen/one's own convenience/one's
way/selfishness/(P)/ |
勝利を収める | しょうりをおさめる
| (exp) to gain a victory/to win/ |
勝勢である | しょうせいである | to stand a good chance of winning the game/ |
勝ち誇る | かちほこる | (v5r) to triumph/to be elated with
success/(P)/ |
勝利又勝利 | しょうりまたしょうり | victory after victory/ |
勝馬 | かちうま | (n) winning horse/ |