The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
募集費 | ぼしゅうひ | recruiting expenses/ |
募金箱 | ぼきんばこ | collection box/ |
募集人員 | ぼしゅうじんいん | number of people to be admitted or accepted/ |
募集広告 | ぼしゅうこうこく | recruitment advertisement/ |
募集 | ぼしゅう | (n,vs) recruiting/taking applications/(P)/ |
募金運動 | ぼきんうんどう | fund raising drive or campaign/ |
募って来る食欲 | つのってくるしょくよく | rising appetite/ |
募 債 | ぼさい | (n) raising of a loan/loan floatation/ |
募兵 | ぼへい | (n) (military) recruiting/ |
募金 | ぼきん | (n) fund-raising/collection of funds/(P)/ |
募る | つのる | (v5r) to invite/to solicit help, participation, etc/(P)/ |