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Kanji: Radical: (ちから) : セイ; いきお(い); power
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 735 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2857
Japanese Reading English
せいりょくはんいsphere of influence/
はずみぐるま(n) flywheel/
勢い いきおい(adv,n) force/vigor/energy/spirit/life/authority/influence/power/might/impetus/course (of events)/tendency/necessarily/(P)/
せいりょくか (n) man of influence/
せい(n) energy/military strength/
せいか(n) influential family/the man in power/
勢いいきおいこむ(v5m) to brace oneself/
勢いをるういきおいをふるう(exp) to wield power/to exercise authority/
せいりょくけん (n) sphere of influence/
せいりょく(n) influence/power/might/strength/potency/force/energy/(P)/
せこ(n) beater (on a hunt)/
はずみspring/bound/rebound/inertia/momentum/impetus/stimulus/im pulse/instant/chance/
せいりょっか (n) man of influence/
せいぼう(n) power and popularity/
せいもん(n) influential family/the man in power/
せいい(n) force/power/influence/
勢いいきおいづく(v5k) to gather strength/to take heart/
せいりょくかに under the influence of/
勢揃いせいぞろい(n) array/muster/line-up/full force/