勢力範囲 | せいりょくはんい | sphere of influence/ |
勢車 | はずみぐるま | (n) flywheel/ |
| いきおい | (adv,n)
(of events)/tendency/necessarily/(P)/ |
力家 | せいりょくか
| (n) man of influence/ |
勢 | せい | (n) energy/military strength/ |
勢家 | せいか | (n) influential family/the man in power/ |
勢い込む | いきおいこむ | (v5m) to brace oneself/ |
勢いを振るう | いきおいをふるう | (exp) to wield power/to exercise authority/ |
勢力圏 | せいりょくけん
| (n) sphere of influence/ |
勢力 | せいりょく | (n)
influence/power/might/strength/potency/force/energy/(P)/ |
勢子 | せこ | (n) beater (on a hunt)/ |
勢運 | せいうん | trend/tendency/ |
| はずみ | spring/bound/rebound/inertia/momentum/impetus/stimulus/im
pulse/instant/chance/ |
勢力家 | せいりょっか
| (n) man of influence/ |
勢望 | せいぼう | (n) power and popularity/ |
勢門 | せいもん | (n) influential family/the man in power/ |
勢威 | せいい | (n) force/power/influence/ |
勢い良く | いきおいよく | vigorously/ |
勢い付く | いきおいづく | (v5k) to gather strength/to take heart/ |
勢力下に | せいりょくかに
| under the influence of/ |
勢揃い | せいぞろい | (n) array/muster/line-up/full force/ |