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Kanji: Radical: (ちから) : カン; すす(める); urge
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 736 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1857
Japanese Reading English
かんゆういん canvasser/traveling salesman/
かんじんちょう (n) temple solicitation book/
かんぜよりtwisted paper/twisted-paper string/
かんしょう(n) praise and encouragement/
かんこうば (n) fair/bazaar/
かんこくあん recommendation/
かんぎょうはくらんかい industrial fair or exposition/
かんこくじょう letter of advice/
かんrecommend/advise/encourage/offer (wine)/
勧めすすめ(n,vs) recommendation/advice/encouragement/
かんこう(n) encouragement of industry/
かんじん(n) temple solicitation/(P)/
かんしょう(n) encouragement/stimulation/(P)/
かんぜい(n,vs) urging/persuasion/
勧めるすすめる(v1) to recommend/to advise/to encourage/to offer (wine)/(P)/
かんぜんちょうあくげき morality play/
かんがく(n) encouragement of learning/
かんじんもと (n) backer/promoter/
かんぜんちょうあく(n) rewarding good and punishing evil/a novel or drama with a rewarding-good-and-punishing-evil theme/moral purpose/morality play/(P)/
かんぎんhypothecary bank/
かんのう(n) encouragement of agriculture/
かんこくしゃ adviser/counselor/
かんぎょう(n) (encouragement of) industry/(P)/
かんゆう(n,vs) invitation/solicitation/canvassing/inducement/persuasion/encouragement/(P)/
かんこく(n,vs) advice/counsel/remonstrance/recommendation/(P)/
かんぜんちょうあくしょうせつ(Edo-period) didactic novel or fiction/
かんげ(n) religious-fund soliciting/Buddhist preaching/
かんこう(n) call to surrender/