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Kanji: Radical: (さじのひ) : カ、ケ; ば(ける)、ば(かす); change
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 350 Index in Halpern dictionary: 21
Japanese Reading English
かせきねんりょうfossil fuel/
かがくこうぎょうchemical industry/
化けのばけのかわ(n) masking one's true character/disguise/sheep's clothing/
かせいひりょうchemical fertilizer/
けどうinfluencing (a person) for good/
かせい(n) change/transformation/
かがくきごうchemical symbols (for the elements)/
かこつ(n) ossification/
けしょうしつ (n) toilet/lavatory/powder room/(P)/
かがくけつごうchemical bond/
かがく(n) chemistry/(P)/
かがくてき (adj-na) chemical/
化膿かのうきん(n) suppurative germ/
調かがくちょうみりょう chemical seasoning/
けしょうまわし ornamental sumo apron/
化膿かのう(n,vs) suppuration/festering/coming to head/
かがくごうせい(n) chemosynthesis/
かがくぶっしつ(n) chemical substances/chemicals/
ばけもの(n) goblin/apparition/monster/ghost/phantom/spectre/
けしょうせっけん toilet soap/
かがくさようchemical action/
けしょうどうぐtoilet set/
化ける ばける(v1) to appear in disguise/to take the form of/to change for the worse/(P)/
化けばけもの(n) goblin/apparition/monster/ghost/phantom/spectre/(P)/
けしょう(n) make-up (cosmetic)/(P)/
化けチェックばけチェックparity check (data, memory, etc.)/
かがくぶんせきchemical analysis/
かがくへいききんしじょうやくchemical weapons ban treaty/
かがくへんか chemical change/
煉瓦けしょうれんがornamental tile/facing bricks/
けしょうばり veneer/
けわい(n) make-up (cosmetic)/
かがくほうていしき (n) chemical equation/
化すかす(v5s) to change into/to convert to/to transform/to be reduced/to influence/to improve (someone)/
けしょうりょう (n) lady's pin money/
化けのばけのかわをあらわす (exp) to expose one's true colors (character)/
かがくこうぞう(n) chemical structure (of a drug)/
かどうinfluencing (a person) for good/
かがくひりょうchemical fertilizer/
かがくへいきchemical weapons/
かがくせん chemical warfare/
化するかする(vs) to change into/to convert into/to transform/to be reduced/to influence/to improve (someone)/
かせきそう fossil bed/
けしょうだい lady's pin money/cosmetics expense/
かがくしゃ chemist/
かがくひん chemicals/
かいく(n) evolution/growth/